THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION 49 WEST 49th STREET, NEW YORK 20 May 14, 1953 DIVISION OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND AGRICULTURE CABLE ADDRESS: WARREN WEAVER, DIRECTOR RockrounpD, Naw York J. G. HARRAR, DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR AGRICULTURE HARRY M, MILLER, JR., ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR GERARD R. POMERAT, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR JOHN J. MCKELVEY, JR., ASSISTANT DIRECTOR KENNETH WERNIMONT, ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR FOR AGRICULTURE Dear Professor Lederberg: May I acknowledge your letter of May 1. Although you will realize that we always have to make such remarks in a cautious way, to avoid the very unpleasant dilemma of a partial commitment which might not be fulfilled, I can say that I think this Division of The Rockefeller Foundation would be prepared to recommend to our Trustees a further grant for you. I wuld suggest the possibility of a grant of $25,000, available over four years, with the understanding that you could use, in any one year, up to $7,500. This would give a little flexibility in the use of the funds and would also assure that if you did not call for quite so much money in any one year it would not lapse but would be held available for you to meet a possible larger requirement in a later year. In order to present such a recommendation to our Trustees at their meeting in June, it would be necessary for us to have the formel request about ten days from now. This request should be forwarded to us through the office of President Fred together with a statement by him that he is in- formed concerning the request, that he approves of it, and that the University is prepared to accept and administer the grant proposed. Thonn be Warren Weaver Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin WWsaeb