te THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS September 28, 1951 Naturel Sciences Division Rockefeller Found«tion 49 West 49 Street New York 20, New York Gentlemen: Following an informal discussion with Dr. Loomis of your Division, earlier today, I should appreciate the opportunity of submitting for your consideration this formal avplication for an Appropricetion Grant from the Rockefeller Foundetion. Our program of resenrch in the field of Becteriel Genetics was initiated with very substantial essistence from the Foundation in the form of a grent-in-aid, which expired in April this yeer. I hed planned to defer requests for further assistance until we had completed some space reorganizetion here thet would heave expanded our laboratory facilities. This will probably not be comleted, it now appears, for a good many months, and we are undertakins e new line of work in becterial immunogenetics. With Professor Irwin's cooperation, space needed to initiate this prosram has been set aside. The present request is for a grant for the term January 1, 1952 to August 31, 1953, to the amount of $8000. This total will be allocated among the following items; Selary, Project Associate (Dr. P. David Skaar) 20 months, «t $300 per month.... $6000 Supplies, Expendable (glassw=re, reegents, r= bbits) and student labor to clean glassware.... 1500 Other expenses incidental to the researci program, includins durable items, reprints, and’ trevel directly pertinent to the progrem, 500 and supnlements, if needed, to the other allocetionSescsee Total $8000, These funds will be used in support of the continued development of our research in Bacterial Genetics, alone the lines summarized in the report submitted at the termination of the 1948-51 szrant-in-aid. They will be per- ticulerly applied to the investigation o° the entigenic differences among crossable strains of bacteria (Escherichia coli) and the genetic besis of these differences. This project has been reviewed by avpropriete cdministrative officers of this institution, and their erprovel and other comments are forwarded here= with. yop yee / Ati Leb Aina Joshue Lederberg, a CC: Dean Froker . Anebriaty Prafesaar of Genetiean