1 i ~24, DHF WEL Die ry University of Wisconsin 27 Sagtember 1952 Dr, Joshua Lederberg WFL visited Joshua Lederberg in his laboratory in the Genetics Department at Wisconsin in connection with his recent request for further support for his work. In WFL's diary of 27 August 1951, a general review of his record on the three years of grant in aid support was made with the tentative conciusion that his record seems to be one of the best to date for this prozran. At the present time Dr. L's laboratory is unchanged from what it Was two yours ogo and is rnther crowded despite its efficlent organization. - In the next year, however, he has been ussigned extra space, but appropriately "feels that this should become fuct before he approaches us for longer term assistance. On tne basis of WFL's conversation with him it was decided that it would be best to maxe a 2l-month appropriation of $8,000 to run from Se Jaquary 1,(1951) to September i, 1953, approximately three-quarters of this ““gnount to be used for the selury of a research assistant, Mr. Pelmer D. Skaar, who is just getting his Ph.D. with Sounebora at Indiana. The remainder of this amount is for general expanses comiected with his research work over this neurly 2-yeur ,eriod. In tnis coaversatioa Dr. L brought up the fact that ne is strongly assisted by his wife, who took her ?h.D. in Wisconsin a few years ago, having previously trained at Hunter Coilege in Botany. The fact that she is his wife makes the subject somewhat touchy, but WFL met her and was pleasantly impressed. Dr. L has not made any request for her¢ Salary as tecimical assistant to his program, but he did weat to know whetier we had any ovjections to his possibly so doing two years from now. WFL stated that we saw no reason that tuis should be an adverse factor, as the basic mode of judgment was in selectlag a good man and backing the latter's judgment in the matter of how he spends his avaiinble research money for technical egsistace. , Dr. L has been rather successful in his search for research funds, obtaining $1,000 from the A. &. C., now terminated; $4,300 from the U.S.P.H.5., ‘aS well as the saiary of Mrs. Lederbor: on a Cheriical Corps. contract. In addition to thie the W. A. R. F. makes $4,60U avaliable to him yearly. His preseat request thorefore is uinost eitiresy reiuted to obteininy the salary of Dr. Skuar, who wishes to sludy tie meebaulsu o. inherkunee of antljens in bacteria. . As WFu has visited various labor:.torles he has heard with increasing frequency that L is reasly CLret-cluss, this opinion coming for example from Novick and Szilard, Bernard Davis, ay weii as Burris and Wilson at Wisconsin. He has tremeadoua enerzy and inteliigence and haus receatly, for example, collected the basic piblications in tie Pleld of bacterial Senetics and had tnem issued in a book by tne University of Wisconsin Press by the photostat technique, tius makin: tnese reprints widely availsble for use {u coursos. 215. WEL WEL will describe only two of his experiments in detail because of lack of space, but there is little doubt that L has about as many ideas per minute as the Szilard and Novick team. é. In one of these experiments he places a solution of one strain of B. coli on one side of a cellophane membrane and another strain on the other side. This was to test whether or not they could exchange chromosomal material through the membrane and was negative in result. He then added bacteriophage to one of the strains, which iysed the bacterla, whereupon their genetic qualities passed through the membrune and were incorporated into the other bacteriophese resistent strain. Thus, it would seem that either szall, living "L forms" passed through the membrane, or, more probably, that nucleo protein particles passed through, ucting much ai'ter the fashion of Avery's "transforming substances." It is obvious tnat this is a funda- mental experiment of great significance. His second experiment gives ;ositive .roof in the neatest fasnion that streptomycin resistant bacterial individuals are present in a streytomycin susceptible strain, thus indicating that streptomycia does not induce any mutations but ruther merely selects out those individuals which are spontaneously resistant. The proof of this is so neat thut it is rorth recording. First of all he srows the streptomycin susceptible strain on a Petri dish so that they grow up in colonies. By lightly pressing a velvet cloth onto the plate he makes a "photostat” so to speak of this first plate, by then placing the infected growth onto a fresh retri dish. As this second dish contains streptomycin, only those transferred colonies grow that are resistant to this drug, which in turn tells hin which of tne colonies on the original piate (which has never seen streptomycin) are spon taneously resistant. Now, by using a needle point, he picks up the resistant colonies from the original plate and thus obtains « pure culture of streptomycin resistant bacteria that heve never in the course of their life seen or heard of this drug, and hence were obviously originaily present in the susceptible strein or else mutated to the resistant form quite spontaneously. WFL has no doubte or reservations about Joshua Lederberg and ‘warmly recommends a bach-of-the-book appropriation of #3,V00 over the next 21 months. At the end of this period on appropriation of $15, 000-$20, 000 over three years would seem to be in order.