THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION 49 WEST 49th STREET, NEW YORK 20 THE NATURAL SCIENCES WARREN WEAVER, DIRECTOR HARRY M. MILLER, JR., ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR WILLIAM F. LOOMIS, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR GERARD R, POMERAT, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR + ~ , January li, 1951 Dear Professor Lederberg: In answer to your letter of December 23 in which you requested an extension of your current grant, I am sorry to inform you that there is a three-year limitation on grants in eid awarded to any one individual research worker. This makes it impossible for us to authorize such an extension as you request. Im other words, any sum not utilized by you before May 1, 1951, will auto-— matically revert to the Foundation. In this connection, I might say that your original grant was "for the purchase of special equipment and expendable supplies," under which it is certainly legitimate for you to purchase "labora- tory apparatus, equipment, glassware and supplies" as requested in your letter. In other words, no modification of the grant need be made for the above purposes. Perhaps I should enlarge slightly on the three-year Limitation of the grant in aid program. In the Foundation, these grants in aid are made on the sole recommendation of the divisional officers, and are not discussed individually by the Board of Trustees of The Rockefeller Foundation. Foliowing the compietion of the three years implicit in such a program, any renewal must be presented under a different heading that requires the approval of the Trustees. The first paragraph above, therefore, is not to be interpreted in the sense that a renewal of your grant is impossible, but rather as an indication that the three-year period of grant in aid support expires May 1, 1951, following which the more formal mechanism of a "Trustee action" must be initiated. I hope the above legalities have been made clear, and if you have any further questions please feel free to write to me at any time. Sincerely yours, ky) Mlectiv P= hrrw in William F. Loomis Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6 Wisconsin WFL:akm