December 23, 1950. Dre Warren Woover, Director, Natural Sciencep, Reckefeller Fourtation, New York, NeY. Dear Dre Weaver: You will recall that our program of research on the genotios of bacteria is operated with tho vory welcome asoletance of a thres~-year grant-in~aid, to the amount of $7500, fron the Rockefeller Foundation. This gront ic due to expire Kay 1, 1951. The purpose of my letter is to open a question relative to this eaplration date. Sines the time at which this grant-in-ald was initiated, we have been fortimate in obtaining conciderable finanolal assistance in support of specific projects miertaken in our laberatery, so that it has not been neooasary to exhauct the crant-in-aid fron the Rookefellr Pounda- t4o. To date, I believe that somewhat more than half the funde allotted - unier this erent hevo boen spent. The sourcoo of the efditional support just. mentioned are prinotpally the National Institutes of Health (Project: Genotice of Snimenslla), Aemy Chomical Corpa (Projects Latent bacterial vrusoe}» and the Univorsity Ressarch Camittee, WARP funda, (apslotentship stipends}. ' ‘Te lettor in which I made forzal application for the Reeksfeller Foundation's gront-ineald specified a budget which divided the allocation into expandable supplies and enocial oquipmant. That letter was written when I hed hod no practical expo rience in adminictering a laboratory; I have sinoe found it rathor difficult to intorprot the phrase “opecial equipment", as distinguished fron the variety of durable equipment and apparagua items - essential to the operation of a laboratory. With throe years of such ox- perience nov behind, I should like to open the question of revioing the terns of the grunt-in-aid co that the most oxpeditious fico ean bo made of these funds in the light of our particular neods, experience, and other etpport. The to proposals vhich I should like to ask you te concider are: 1¢ An extension of the tern of tho grant to March 1, 1952. 2s Modification of tho bulget statazent to allow romoining fimis to ba wsod to purchase laboratory apparatus, equipment, glaseware and supplies, Juet 02 in the eviginel preporel, the funie will not bo available for ealeries, travol, omotruction or other unspecified uses. \ The axteneiem of term is requested in order to allow ue to take pdventage of the Mebrder tems of the budget, but primrdly becavee the leter dete will mark a more sultable milestone in the physical development of ovr recearch facilities. Shifts made poseiblo by new oometxuction ere expected to leave the Genotics Department in full occupancy of our present building (now shored), by late 1951 or early 1952, For that occasion, it will be necessary to review ow finances. Unt nev orrengements covering our exapnded scopo (about twice ac much . gpaco will bo availeble for bacterial gonotics rosearch) oan bo canoluded, I have hoped we covld co. om. with the ot4ll meemitted funds fran the Rockofoller Foundation's pront. Frea my point of vicow, it is tes soon to disouss our 1952 needa, Int sero olght or ton nonths hence I . hope to be able to begin to do co. In the meantins, the security of the continuing prant will be vory pratifying. If your accomting procedures roquivo, however, the tora of extonoien cowld woll be varied by two monthe ar 60. Since this account 1a undoubtedly ecketchy, please do n ot rerard thie letter as a formal petition to put the indicated proposals inte effoot. However, I would croatlyappreotate a word from you 20 to the potontial feasibility of these suggestims, or altornativoly, of altemative courses of notion. Y will, of eewr'os, hssten to send any addétioial information that may be required, as well as to cast thio applicntion in a more formal molds I have diccussed this nattor briefly with Profosser Brink, Departmont Chairman, with his assent. Sinoo no firvianontal changes are involved, T have nos yot consulted mur deans cr proeident, but will bo pleased to soni the matter through . ghannele if indicated. Yours sincorely, , Joohua Lodorborg, Ascodinte Profosser of Genotics