Tf Whi DLlary ‘ Me LO Janey cou University of Wiseonsta bederburye 1G Jenuery 1950 University of ‘‘igconsin Madigeon, Wiscoaghi J. Lederber,, On Mondsy morning WW Lotroduced WFL to Professor Kobert Irwin in Genetics and thea to Joshua Lederbcrg. The latter went to P & S Medical School fcr two years where he beeane interested in bacterial genetics under Francis J. iysa; lesviag medicul school he taea went to study under Dr. Datum at Yale, where he took his Ph.D., since which he hus become sesistant Frofesscr of GUsnetics at Wisconstu. Lederberg was originally an exceedingly brash, uggressive young wan, muking "quite a fool cf himsalf" (Elvenjem) at Cold Spring arbor, but who has steadily matured and sobered down since that timc. kis sin vore of course Is concsrned with the gueetion of "sex" in bacteria, or more properly speaking, with the problem of geue recembination.He finds that «hea tvo strains of bacterial mutants, each deficient ia treo respects, are grown on the same medium, that tney Opparently interechcage genetic meterlul, tous yielding offs :ring that are complate fer the Pour items concerned. There Le little deubt concerning Lederberz's intelLligeace una originutity, cut in. VFL's epinion he sould be da an eavircenment where te is surrourded by nis Lnterlectual suvertors, as otherwise tnere is danger that he might foil to develop bo his full. Perhess Visconsin provides just sueh en aivironmeat. Lederberg should be most interesting to fallow over the coming yeers, as with luck he may become a truly signiflennt worker. EB +3 id fy 3 >