March 31, 1952 Dr. o. fi. Bruner Cornell University ~ Ithaca, liaYe © Dear De. Bruner: . 2 am weitlag to you at the auggestica of Dr. P. R. Sdearde. I had @pplied to hia for a sulture of the flagellated but non-motdis form ok jauanella sandicgo, described in PSMBu, 62:296, 1946. The culture had evidently been lost cr discarded, but he thoukht there wae a pog- aibility you might have kept an eye on it. Lf you still have this . @ullure, or suz suggestion as te iis survival anyvhere, I should be grateful for it. Do you suppose any other. paralyzed variants have turned up la groups 8 or D? vur interest dn this culture stems from our curren’ work on the genstics of “yecombloation” in Sclucuellc. (erhaps you will be interested | in the sicaeced Interia repert, ag it will be seme months befors our an ms. reaches print. At the monent, we are especially interested in » sebility, wad are trying te collect ac many kinds of non-motile varlante | as we Can locate. In fact, I woader if I might not ask you whether you huve noticed any C-warlants (ospecially in group 2 or BD) that ave Lakely hot to be dupLicated in Dr, Siwards! eallectdon, It is too bad there 4s no aystem.tic way of producing cr daclating such variants, but lacking it, I em obliged to beg tham of other workers, | If i have act done so previously, imag I think you for your kind letter of October 19, 1951 about "Mhcorobial Genetics”, and for your cooperation that permitted 1t to reash the standard it did reach. Yours sincerely, doshus Lederberg _