THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS March 26, 1948 Dr, Warren Weaver Director, Natural Sciences The Rockefeller Foundation 49 West 49 Street New York 20, N. Y, Dear Dr, Weaver: Professor Brink has suggested that I prepare this reply to Dr, Chadwell's letter of the 27th ult., and request a grant-in-aid of $7500 for the three year period May 1, 1948 to April 30, 1951, It is requested that the rate of disbursement of these funds be limited only in so far as 50% may be spent within the first year of the grant, but that unused funds should not revert to the foundation before the termination of the grant period, The grant, if awarded, will be applied to the research project on the Genetics of Bacteria of which a copy is enclosed, and which is in the files of this College as the project under my direction for 1948-1949, The following disposition of the grant is proposed: A. Expendable Supplies, including glaseware, chemical reagents, and the like. $4500 B, Special Equipment, embracing durable items of a special charac- ter euch as would not form part of the routine equipment of any biological laboratory, 3000 While we cannot yet give complete specifications on the apparatus which we hope to purchase under Item B, such items as a Warburg mano- metric apparatus, a Beckmann Spéctrophotometer with ultra-violet acces— sories, a micro-manipulator, and a high-speed centrifuge are what we have in mind and under consideration, Your consideration of this request is greatly appreciated, ya Yours sinagre’y pte & / { / Joshua Lederberg ( ssistant Professor of Genetics