THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION 49 WEST 49th STREET, NEW YORK 20 THE NATURAL SCIENCES WARREN WEAVER, DIRECTOR H. MARSHALL CHADWELL, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR _ HARRY M. MILLER, JR., ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Februery <7, 19 48 GERARD R, POMERAT, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Deer Professor Brink: There has been an opportunity for preliminmry consideration by the officers of the Division of your letter to Mr. Weaver, deted December 4, asking for support of the research program of Dr. Joshua Lederberg on genetics of micro-organisms, We feel that we are not in a position to recommend support in the amount of $10,000, but wonder if assistance to the program of grent-in-aid size would be helpful. You willremember that in this category we take care of commitments not exceeding $7,500 end for periods up to three years. If such a support would be useful, we Suggest thet « revised budget be submitted together with effective dates. I feel thet s request of this neture would receive sympethetic consideration. It would also be in order for you to have the appropiete edministrative officer of the University write me a letter ssying that such a grant would be consistent with the University's policy end that the University would be willing to administer it. I have one detailed question to ask about the Lederberg budget. In Item 4 defining the proposed expediture of funds which are hoped for from the Foundation, there occurs the item of $1,300 per yeer for the purchase of ordinary equipment. Does this refer to the equipment which one would normally assume would be made available by the University to one of its professors: test tubes, beekers, etc.? I know thet Mr. Weaver enjoyed having the opportunity of talking with you and Professor Lederberg in Jenuary. . Sincerely yours, Mana rbrtt Chadtinte— H. Marshall Chadwell Professor R. A. Brink Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Medison 6, Wisconsin HMC:DLT