Interview: WWW oe ' \ AR Excerpt from Wits diary note on visit 1/19/48 et University of Wisconsin. Ree Later in the afternoon, WW goes to the Genetics Department, in Agriculture, and talks with Alec Brink and Joshun Lederberg. L's first impression is not startlingly good. He is a little fat and somewhat sleepy and sloppy looking. But the minute he starts to talk, you forget all this. modestly, but very forcefully. He speaks very well indeed - clearly, He had done two years of medical training at Columbia before he went to Yale and tried, on an initially tentative basis whether he would not prefer biochemical genetics. His work with Tatum on sexual Fopro~ duction of bacteria is already well-known. He has blocked out a defin te and most intriguing, program for himself at Wisconsin. It is well covers 3 by Brink's letter to WW of December 4, 1947; and by the meno which L. , 8 to WW. This seems an absolutely first-rate bet for an exnloratory gran in aid. The University has already put more than $8000 into rebuilding and equipping a 16'x10' laboratory for L. Ta ig tee " Seog fovea ht VA Cc en 7 Ah tT « . i ok, 4 eter ile ¢ £99 0b) | yet A / I “ Lette / ah bee he. 32 li i aa Fe ~ e , . cet} c- -) go “ tw. = / / a ( eee” Ther YO oh ee of - ‘ Jet fet MA “7 Oke Of Aae€ a“