NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES PROPOSAL RATING SHEET No. Title Investigator Institution B-3147 Interchromosomal Stanley Zimnering Trinity Col. effect on crossing over & segregation in Drosophila Dr. Slweriag 23a another of the bright yomg men whe are putting newt life into Grosephila Genetics after an interval of relative dormans while tue fade of biochemical and microbial genetics dowinated the stage. His thesia was a axillful job of cytogenetic analysis, und the proposai shows sequal ingeoudiy in an aloack oo @ new provlea oi sualasentai impor-- tance, ile is teaching at a amailer sciiool with iimited resources, and both ue aud wae dastitution should be encouraged in reseuru. devolopnent. Score Signature From 5 (low) to 1 (high)