Score NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION. .DVISORY COMMITTEE BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCE PROPOSAL RATING SHEET T£tle Investigator Institution Biblbography & Monograph on Edmund W, Sinnott Yale U Plant Morphogenesis Professor Sinnott's background and status are too well know to require comment. His health has not been excellent recently, which is douwiless another reason ue may need more uelp to complete thia taskf i do uot know Urs, Reader except as the wite of one of bist colleagues om the soteny zaculiy. this wold scem to be wa worthiwoile a projest as any beck by an experiences investigator, (The opvious policy questions bave te be left tke to the SSi.) ihe vook would net fill any remarkeble*gap, but will undoubtedly ce successful, and appbeciaved by other students or the subject. (* I've not heard any spontaneous remarks that there really should he such a work, but there is no a priori doubt of its s ientific value.) 2 Signature From 5 (low) to 1 (high)