NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION. ADVISORY COMMITTES BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCTENCES PROPOSAL RATING SHEET NO. Title Investigator Institution B=3095 Hybrid sterility & self Leonard J, Alexander Ohio Agric incompatibility in tomatoes EB. F, Paddoc's Expt Sta The genetics of wide species hybrids in the tomato group is of consic- erable practical importance in the development of new disease-resistant vari- eties, In addition, the unique chromosome morphological differentiation of this group deserves to be further exploited in cytogenetic analysis, The pro- posal does appear, therefore, to elate to problems of a fundamental nature, However, from a fundamental basis there seems to be very little that is really new in the indicated research, The patterns of embryo to endosperm relation= ships have, as the authors indicate, been rather thoroughly worked out in this group and it is doubtful whether lip service to the term allomitry iexto add" tre or very much to what has already beon developed, The technique of genome @nely- sis by means of trisomic is of course an old story and the productivity of the authors does not suggest a very Likely and rapid development of their subject. For this reason I feel that the authors are not likely to make quite as much out of the mroblem as there might be there, but the proposal is nonee theless meritorious, For the same reasons, however, a fiveeyear grant would not appear to be justified and this should be cut to about three, In addition, the over-all proposal seems to be somewhat ambitious in relation to the funda mentel value o% the observations thet can be anticipated, Score vw Signature From 5 (low) to 1 (high)