WATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES PROPOSAL RATING SHEET No. Title Investigator Institutbn B-3095 Genes in the metabolism of Taylor Hinton UCLA nucleic acid The crowth of Drosophila on a chemically defined medium in pure culture and the application of now familiar techniques of nutritional analysis revre~ sent a problem that must be pursued somewhere in the United States. Dr. Hinton appears to be virtually the only person who has contimed investigations in this direction on a long-term basis. It must be admitted that this work has been proceeding slowly if steadily, but nevertheless there can be little ques- tion but that this research should be contimed, Some rather exciting results concerning the nonchromosomal determination of nutritional requirements have already accumilated and we may anticipate that in due course an interesting structure of research information will be developed from these techniques, It can probably be anticipated that a somewhat aceelerated pace of results will develop as the techniques become more standardized, The level of operation ap- pears to be reasonable for a project of this housekeeping complexity end I would judge this application to be meritorious or highly meritorious, Judging from the applicant's finarcial statement on page 18, support from the NSF will be essential for the continuation of his work. Score \ Signature From 5 (low) to 1 (high)