No. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES PROPOSAL RATING SHEET Title Investigator Institution B~3081 Mutational origin of halophilic William L, Flannery Baylor U Score bacteria The prppesal is for a problem of fundamental interest, doubtless having been suggested by Allen's recent studies on tie mutational basta of thernc~ phily, The investigator appeearr te be semewhat neive as to the experiments he proposes; to my mind, 2 preliminary survey to substantiate ths possibilities should prececd any longer-term investment, The ideas ar: rather rote, end have te be so long as as he has not actually initiated any genetic studies. The previeus ‘werk of Deudoroff wuggests, however, that several casplications will arise, the rate of change of fonie strength possibly being as impertent a factor in bac- Series survival as the salt cmoentration itself, Him I have had access to ‘Flanneryts review 4n press, which, together wifh his previeus peper's euggeat @ wintler simple-utndednese of spprosch, Yevever, noone else appears to ly te go inte this etory, and it aight be worthwhile te simply stir up sane interest in this tapertent proble. T shoald think one could make & goed start on this kind of werk with a minimm ef assistance and expense, though the budget presented is not extravgant. “2 _. _ Signature From 5 (low) to 1 (high)