Experiment Station Project No. Th? Bacterial genetics. Reckefeller Yount., Mat") Inet. wealth, & W.A.R.F. Suppert. Gonptien of Becterta Ferscuml: Dr, J. Lederberg Br, B. Ma. Lederberg Dr. M. L, Mores Dr. S$. 6, Bradley (RSF fellow) Assistants: D, C, Gosting; HM. L. R, E, Weights T. Timez A. eer Support: Ils Rockefeller; W.A.2.F. —_— | JAN 6 1956 fw Pic ~ Bacterial Geneties=-Research Report for 1955 Submitted by J. Lederberg, Professor of Genetics, t " / oi -L Universi ty of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin The work in this laboratory continues to center on ths genetic recombina- tional mechanisms of bacteria: sexuality, transduction, and virus infection. — This past year hag seen no remarkable new advances, and has been devoted mainly to clarifying minor discrepancies, and consolidating earlier advances. 1. A considerable amount of time was spent to try te reach a definite con» clusion concerning the residual unit which is propagated, without multiplying, in succeeding csll divisions cf some Salmonella cells after "abortive" or "phenotypic® transduction (5,18). The main conclusion is that no definite de« cision could be made whether the unit is particulate, and if so whether it repre- sents a partly inactivated "gene", or simply a gene product. Other workers hove sought to make more conclusive inferences from the same kind of data, 2, Additional work on conjugal pairs of E, coli has corroborated esrlicr indications of their sienificance in the sexual cycle of this bacterium, so that a preliminary account is now justified (9). However, no further progress has been made in tracing the morphogenetic details of sexual conjugation by micro- scopic methods. 3. Further study of the relationship between a provirus and other genes of E. coli (7,8,16) substantiates the hypothesis that a virus is equivalent to a segment of the bacterial chromosome and that the lysogesnization for a virus corresponds to a special transduction, Some aspects of this relationship are still obscure and require further study. hh. Ag an important tool for the preceding studies, considerable effort has been devoted to the development of properly marked divioid stocks of F. coll (normally haploid) which can be used more informatively for routine crossing purposes. This has proved to be more laborious than had been anticipated, and is not yet completed, but should repay the effort in due courss, 5, Some second-order discrepancies of observation (3) hawe been clarified by the finding that different stecks of the Hfr mating type of E. coli show dif» ferent segregational behevier, ‘The genetic basis and orlsin of these differences ave being studied now, and are tha most promising leads to clearing up some of the remarkable peculiarities of the genetics of this organism, as quoted in pre- vious reports and elsewhere (1). 6, Ag a reneval of some preliminary experiments in 1951-52, a siady has been made of Streptomyces species to determine whethor a system of genetic recombinase tion covld be detected (17). This study was motiveted by the interesting taxonomic and morphogenetic status of these "bacteria", on the one hand, and on the other by their economic importance in the fermentation industries as sources of antie biotics and feed supplements, which bas led in turn to their close physiological study by other workers. However, almost no genetic work had been done with those organisms until recently. A mumber of species have been examined, including 5. griseus, by the same basic technique formerly employed with other bacteria, the combination of different mitritional mutants. No definite evidence for genic recombination has been found, However, it has been verified that hyphae of dif» ferent strains will fuse, to allow the intermixture of different moclei in 2 common cytoplasm, namcly heterckaryosis, These muelei are capable of interacting to produce new physiological effects, This system, while it may be of some in» dustrial application in the development of suitable strains, is far less ad= vantageous than true genic recombination for the prospects of controlled breoding,. While this work was proceeding, a fragmentary report appeared on the occurrence of recombination in another apscies, 5. coelicolor. This work complements ours in many respects; it also raises the question of why the strains should behave differently, perhaps because of sexual compatibility factors which can now be investigated. 7. Provicus reports have outlined the fects of flagellar "phase varlation" tue almost Konda BS in Salmonella, Briefly, clones of this organism can persist x, 2 we siable states, accordin: two notential entigens are actually pro- oY ¢ o Pal my He ix oO Beek be s be 3 dueed. The two antigens are contrelied by two different genes: we may ask the question: What controls which of two genic potentialities is actually realized? <= a question analogous to those posed by differentiation of tissue cells, but one uhich is nov often encountered in genetically analysable material, Transduction analysis has now shown that one of the two genes exists in either of tuo states: an "active" state which promotes its own realization, and suppresses that of the other, and, conversely an "inactive" state. In technical terminology, we may refer to these states as “epistatic" and “hypostatic", respectively, While the differentiation has thus been localized at the actual site of one of the jnvelved genes (and not, for exemple, in the cytoplasm or at the second gone) we still de not lmow its wltimate chemical or physiological basis, This nar rowing may, however, lead to further advances in this direction, It is perhaps significant that during the very course of these studies, the interest of morphogeneticists hes been turned again to the nucleus, and away from the cyto~ plasm, as the seat of differentiation by such studies as the mecleer trans= plantations (in frogs, not bacteria) of Briggs and King. 8, As a remerkable example of "pleiotropy", or manifold physiological ef- feets of a single pene mutation, it has been found that the same mutation which inhibits maltose fermentation alse makes the bacteria resistant to a virus, lambda«-? (6). There is no perceptible causal relationship between these phenotypes. i,t Zo 3o he Be To 8. Fo 10. lis 12. L3e 1955 Publications ederbarg, Je 1955. Recombination mec hanisas in bacteria, Jour. Cell, Comp. 8 Physic, 45, Suppl. 2, 75-107 (lay), ty ra a * ee gy Q fe a Ledexvberg, J, 1955, Genetics and microblolosy. in Perspectives and in Microbiolocy (S, A. Wakeman, Ed,) Rutgers Univ. Press. Lederberg, J. 1955, Genetic recombination in bacteria, Seience 1222920, (November). Bernstein, A. and Lederberg, d. 1955, Agglutinaticn cf motile Salmonelles by acridines, Jour. Bact. 69:1),2-146, Lederberg, J, and Stocker, B.A.D.5, 1955. "Phenotypic" transductdons of motility in Salmonella, Geneties 10:581. (abstr.) Lederberg, E. Me 1955, Pleiotropy for maltese fermentation and phage vosis~ tances in Escherichia coli K-12. Genoties h02580-581, (abstr.) Moree, M. Us 1955, Gisstrans position effect in transduction heterocenotes of Escherichia coli, Geneties 1:0:586-537, (abstr.) In Press (1956) Morse, M. i, Lederbarg, E. HM. and Lederberg, J, 1956, Transductioa in Escherichia coli K-12, Genebies h1:12-1)5, Lederberg, J. 1956. Conjugal pairing in Becherichia coli, dour, Bact, Ti. Lederberg, Je 1956, Prospects fer the genetics of tumor and cancer cells. Amn. N. Y, Acad. Sei. Lederberg, 3. 1956, Coumentary on gene-enzyre relationships, International Symposium cn Enzymes, Henry “ord Hosp., Detroit, Michican, Lederberg, J. 1956. Genetic transduction. (acceptance perding). Nelson, 7. C. 1956, Sexual competence in Escherichia coli. -Jour. Cell, Coan. Physiole 156 16. 17. 18. We Cevalli, L. L. and Lederberg, J. 1956. Isolation of preadaptive mutants of bacteria by sib-clene selection, Genetics hl, Lederberg, J, and Lederbsrg, BE. M. 1956. Infection and Heredity. Symp. Sec, Growth and Development, Almost ready for Submission Morse, HM. L., Lederberg, J. and Lederberg, E. M, Transduction heterogenotes in Escherichia coli. Bradley, S. G. and Lederberg, J. Heterokaryosiz in Streptomyces, Lederberg, J, Hereditary chains of descent in Salmonella, (tentative title). Lederberg, J, and Iino, T. A duplication of antigen-determining loci in Saimonella,