Dr. Jerome G Green Director Division of Research Grants NIH [stamped, MAR 22 1988] Many thanks! to you and the NCI archivists for the 1949 ff. papers you were just able to send me. It is marvelous they can be recovered. I do recall training seen one or a couple of the site visit reports; but I did not have my own copies. Do you know Dr. Culbertson's whereabouts? -- Dare I ask after almost 40 years? The 1950's project, you may recall, was virus-mediated genetic transduction. It will be a further autobiographical chapter. Dr. N.D. Zinder was my grad. res. asst. on that grant. He is of course an esteemed professor at R.U. (since 1952) Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg CC: W Raul P269 P277