HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE FRRERalarci i beets : U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE BETHESDA. 14, MD. N GFB October 9, 1953 Re: C-2157 M&I Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: It is good to have your letter of September 23. I, too, have recalled with pleasure our association through the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund. In fact I have had a sense of pride for the Fund as I have heard the fine things said about your work in the years since you went to the University of Wisconsin. Regarding your question as to the need for pointing out in future requests the pertinence and significance of your studies to the problem of cancer, I would say that there is no obligation to do so. However, since there will be few present members of the Cancer Council serving when the time cames to review your long-form application for additional years of support beyond those already committed, it might help the new Council members to understand your concept of the relation of your work to the cancer problem if you were to provide a brief discussion of it in the appropriate place in the application. There is no secret about the reason for transfer of your project and others from the general grant program to one or another of the categorical grant programs. At the time applications were originally assigned to heart, cancer, general and other grant programs for consideration there was no infor- mation available as to the final appropriation that would be available for each of these programs. Subsequent to the Council meetings, however, the Congress increased some of the appropriations considerably and reduced others slightly. The net result of this was the possibility that some of the appli- cations assigned to the less favored programs might be deprived of support be- cause of the arbitrary assignment. Therefore, all of the applications in the less affluent programs were reexamined for possibility of support from other programs. The National Advisory Cancer Council found that your project and some others not previously assigned to them for review could be considered to have sufficient significance for the problem of cancer to permit support with eancer funds. With warm personal regards, Sincerely None ? R. RG. VNeade r, Ph. D. Chief, Research Grants & Fellowships Branch RGM:rl ec: Dr. E. P. Offutt