ettonat PBS rteath FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY Expiration date Nov. 80, 1948 ge nie of s . PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FOR RESEARCH PROJECT Date Eekeetney 1,19 SE THE SURGEON GENERAL, U.S. Public Health Service, Washington 25, D.C. if Fn - Application is hereby made for a grant-in-aid in the amount of 33790 for the period from i {7 S wane 32, | f , 1949 inclusive,* for the purpose of conducting a research project on the he Tdwing subject: eels ff Sobprerroble bf. ~~ Ch Seas 06 Paees Send? (Principal "ut (Title) Usarerle, f we conan Lr of principal investigator) [7 “Te is understood and agreed by the applicant “(1) That funds granted asa result of this request are to be ex- pended for the purposes setforth herein; (2) that the-grant-in-aid may be. revoked.i dn whole or in partatany time by the Surgeon General, provided that a revocation shall notinelude any amount obligated previous to the effective date of the revocation if such obligations were made solely for purposes set forth in this application; (3) that all reports of original investigations supported by.any grant-in-aid made as:a result of this request shall acknowledge such support; and (4) that if any patentable discoveries or inventions are made i in the. course of ‘the work aided by any grant received as a result of this application, the applicant will, in consideration of such grant, refer to the — Surgeon General of the Public Health Service; for determination, the question of whether such patentable dis- eoveries or inventions shall be patented and the manner of obtaining and. disposing of the proposed patents ‘in order to protect the public interest. Name of institution (Type name and title of official — ' _ authorized to sign for institution) — é Signature of this official 3. “© This period is not +0 exceed 1 year. 16—«7487-3 1. Outline the proposed work and the plan of attack. (Use a continuation sheet for details, if necessary.) 2. Estimated total number of years of project duration It is proposed to ascertain whether genetic recombination plays any role in the distribution of the diagnostic antigens of the Salmonella group. As described in the continuation sheet, the techniques to be used are similar to those which have been applied to studies on Escherichia coli, referred to below (Item 3). See Continuation. 3 é 8. Has any work been done on this project by principal investigator (named on page 1) ?’ Yes wW Nof] If yes, what are the significant results and publications to date? If possible, please enclose reprints. 16—47427-2 U. 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE The following publications describe the experimental basis for the proposed ‘research: Lederberg,J. & Tatum, EL «5, (1946) Detection of biochemical mutants of micro- organisms. J. Biol. Chem. 165% 381-382. T. & L., (1947) Gene recombination in the bacterium Ewcherichia coli. J. Bact. "533 673-684. L. (1947) Gene recombination dnd linked segregations in Escherichia coli. Genetics 32:505-525. 4 ; - L. (1947) The nutribion of Salmonella. Arch. Biochem. 13: 287-290. These tatles summarize the work to date. No concetted effort has yet been made to prove the occurrence of recombination in salmonella. “4. What pertinent results bearing on this project have been obtained by other investigators? The work of many investigators has led to our present picture of the anti- genic structure of the Salmonella group. This work is summarized in , most text-books, and in particular in "Die Bakteriologie der Salmonella-Gruppe", F. Sauffmann, Repr. 1945 Edwards Bros. Kmwexeryxthexmxtexatitk The mechanisns of variation in Salmonella are however still largely unexplored, except for ~~ a _ the work of the University of Aentucky group.jon "induced" variation on flagellar antigens (cf. Bruner & Edwards , J.Bact. 532359-360 (1947)-- Changes induced in the non-specific antigens of Jalmomella ). 5. (a) What financial support has been received for this of related research by the principal investigator or his associates? SOURCE AMOUNT YEARS OF SUPPORT _ (From ------------ to .------.---- ) University of Wisconsin — SE. $18, 000% 1947-1 9LY National Institute of Health, Jr. Hes, Fell. | 2425400600 1947-1948 for work on related research. _ Jane Coffin: ChildsMemorial Fund, Fellowship[ | 3,600 1946-1947 at Yale University and research grant...Prof.|. Tatum's related work has of cpurse received (b) Does the principal investifator have other reques{s for dési Cc pending with governmental agencies, or with public or private foundations? Yes wo No If yes, give significant data, including title of project, name of agency, and amount of requested funds. t 16—47427-2 Genetics of Bacteria’, Wisebfisin ..umni Kesearch Foundation (1948) $2,600 - “Genetics, of: -Bacteria 5 i Hockef el Ler. Foundation: -3eyear Grant-in-aid = 7,500 These requests were assigned te suppo epnetic research on bacteria other than Salmonella. ‘ f fe f 442 BUDGET FOR PROPOSED PROJECT FROM pull Le, cof fbi Lipa ITEM VeunDs REQUESTED FROM THE PUBLIO HEALTH SERVICE Veunps FROM OTHER SOURCES Personnel (Itemize): 4-time Research Assistant(graduate),to be selected| $ 1800 Permanent Equipment (Itemize): ww ipgle—headt? Centrifuge and accessortes — 150 - Ultra-violet Irradiation Equitpmeny 100 Other bacteriological apparatus 250 Total Equipment 500 Consumable Supplies (Itemize): Glassware, Media, Reagents, Rabbits& Feed, 1200 ~ if progress of research demands, for Travel: Consultation with P.R.Edwards at the University of Kentucky 100 Other Expense (Itemize): Departmental charges, including eare of animals, 500 dishwashing, and other extra labor. ; 280- Toran... 3780 U. & GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16—47427-2 BupGET FOR PROPOSED PROJECT FROM July 1,1949 TO June 30; 1950 FUNDS REQUESTED ITEM FROM THE PUBLIO FUNDS ackoLs HEALTH SERVICE Personnel (Itemize): academic year 900 * Graduate research assistant, }-time, 2#emonthe $k *# Project Assistant, fulltime, summer | 400 * Yr. Norton Zinder, B.A. Columbia 1947. ## Mr. Donald A. Gordon, an undergraduate at the Univ. of Wisconsin, who Has been employed onan hourly ~ basis, during the school year. Permanent Equipment (Itemize): Centrifuge accessories, 500 Motor driven brush for cleaning glassware, Lyophil apparatus (parts) for preservation of cultures, and miscellaneous small items, Consumable Supplies (Itemize): Glassaure, reagents, media ceeneeneeneevne vane _.. 200 Animals and feed Emnesded- teuadesecrnhes. Travel: Professional consultation and scientific meetings 100 Other Expense (Itemize): Hourly labor (dishwashing and animal care 1500 Purchase of reprints (not to exceed $60) ToTAL.... 3500 u. 5. covernmeQ@ VOI" OO ee ll 3780 4, What pertinent results bearing on this project have been obtained by other investigators? Bruner and Edwards have demonstrated that variation in both somatic md flagellar and somatic antigens occurs, in such a way as to "transform" one recog- nized serological type of Salmonella into another. They have not studied the question of the recombination of antigens between cells of diverse type. 5. (a) What financial support has been received for this or related research by the principal investigator or his associates? SOURCE AMOUNT YEARS OF SUPPORT (From _____....__ to _.2- ) University of Wisconsin oe $20,000 1947-1949 (primary capitalization of laboratory) we National Cancer Institute $ 4,300 1947-1949 (junior research fellowship for work on -- genetic-control of mutability in E,.coli)..|..... University of Wisconsin- fellowship for this 1949-1950 same work on 1,200 (b) Does the prieipal investigator have other requests for assistance on this or related research projects pending with governmental agencies, or with public or private foundations? Yes[] No] If yes, give significant data, including title of project, name of agency, and amount of requested funds. PHS-388~1 (NEE) 16—47427-8