BLOOD GROUPS i. ABO series Cellular Serva Frequency Group Genotype Antigens Antibodies in U.S, Oo 0/o none anti-A, Aid anti-B A A/A, A/O A anti-B Of B B/B, B/O B anti~A 12 AB A/3B A,B none % A has been subdivided into A] ani Ao-~possibly several more. 2. MNS Reactica with Group Genotype Antigens anti- anti- anti- anti- M z. Ss 8 MS MS/MS M,S + ~ + - Ms Me/Ms M,3 + ~ - + MSe MS/Ms M,S,5s + - + + us NS/NS u,S = + + - Ns Ne/ Ns li,e ~ + - + Se NiS/Ne 4,S,8 - + + MNS MS/NS M,N,S + - - MNe Ms/Ns M,N,s + + - MiSs MS/ Ne, M,NS,a + + Me/NS Antibodies to M and N are ordinsrily produced only by rabbits: rerely produced by humane, Anti-5S end anti-s are eccasionally produced by humans. 3. Bh factor There has been much research on the Rh factor in the years since i941. Out of this work two principal hypotheses as to the nature of the genes contrelling the antigens and two systems of terminology have grown. According to Wiener the various Rh factors are inherited ag multiple allelomorphs. Figher has postulated that there are three clo.cly linked genes which never, or very rerely, cress over. Since both theories lead to the same practical consequences (genes which caanot be separated lead to the same system of heredity as a siugle gene), the distinction between she two theories is not of practical importance. There is a growing : tendency to use the terminology suggested by Fisher because of its greater simplicity. Jiener'g system included 6 ailelomorphic genes determined on the basis of four kinds of cera. Fisher studied the data and elaborated his theory which predicted existence ond possible future discovery of two additional kinds of sera and two more genes. Since that time these sera and genes have been found. The genes and their reactions with the six types of antisera are listed telow. Reaction with Fisher anti-C anti-D anti-E anti-c anti-d anti-e Frequen Wiener anti-Rh' anti-ih® anti-Rh" anti-Hr' anti-Hr® anti-Br" in Ene. Genes 4 Fisher Wiener ede r ~ ~ = + + + 33.9 Cde R! + - ~ _ + + 1.0 eax RO ~ ~ + + + - 1.2 CaE Ritts + - + - + - .0 oDe RO ~ + - + - * 2.6 CDe RO=Rl + + - - - + 42.0 cDE RO=R* ~ + + + - - 1.) CDE RO' tap” + + + ~ - = o2 These genes occur in any person two at a time, so that one might have any Combination of two of the factors. This means that there are 36 possible geno- types of which 27 are serologically distinguishable. A person with any two factors reacts with any serum that either of the two would react with. Hence it is easily porssible to figure out exactly what sera would agelutinate blood of any genotype. Some of the various genotypes are given in the table following. Reaction with Genotypes Freq. anti-0 anti-D anti-E anti-c anti-d anti-e anti-Rh’ anti-Rh° anti-Rh" anti-Rr’ anti-Hr® anti-Hr" cde/ ede 14,36 - = on + + + odk/ cde 1.23 ~ - + + + + cDe/ cde 2.31 = + ~ + + + CDe/CDe 19.02 + + - - . + CDe/ cDe 2.66 + * - + - + CDe/ cde 33.06 + + ~ + + + eDE/ cde 9.79 = + + + + + CDe/ cDE 11.16 + + + _ + Most cages of erythrobdlastosis are due to the anti-D (anti-Rh,) factor. Most of the others are due to anti-C. Anti-d is very rare. There ere further sub- divisions; for example, OF, Cc, oc". Antibedies can be made only by persons not possessing that antigen. For example: anti-D comes only from dd persons immunized with DD or Dd cells. 4, Kell-Celiano Genotype Reaction with anti-K anti-k K/E + = K/k + + k/k o + Anti-K 18 usvally found in kk women who have had erythroblastotic children. 5. Gthers -~ not of much nedical significance at present A, Lutheran ~f . Lewis a Duffy » Levay « Graydon - Tobbings « Secretor Meat ow Reference: Race and Sanger. Human Blood Grovcps.