clinical demonstre tions Ae What is heredity 1, twins, Naters and norburs. 9, Collection and interpretation of family cata, Censan Single factor inheritence. Dominance, Sex Linkess, 4. The chromosomes of man, Sex determination. B. Common hereditary factors lieS, Blood groups, Transfus 6, The hemoglobins AND here ion, Hemorrhagic dissase of nowborn, Forensic. diltary ancmiLas. C, Rare maitants in man 7, Mutation, Metabolic diseases with physielogical genetics of Neurospera, ete. , as backeround, Phenylketemuric oligephrenias alkeptonuria; tyresincsis. 8, Metabolic discases, cid., glycogen storage disease: galactosomic hepatomegalys agaumaplobulinemia; nemophilias, Metabolic Individuality. D, Polygenic inheritance 9, Genetic factors in infectious and constitwtional disease; cancer. 10. Genetic factors in mentel disease, E, Genetic hygiene lL, Aims and fallacies of eugenics: social and “industzial” medical problens fron vadiation (and chemicals?). F, Experimental genetic studies on mammals 12. Example-~-histocompatibility and acquired tolerance; the antibody response. G. Microbial genstics 13, Mutation studies, Drug resistance. 1h, Recombination mechanians, 15, Viruses (as crganisus and as genes). love: This is a tentative outline of feasible topics, The syllabus would depend on the judgment of the instructor. Some of these topics may already be adequately cevered ‘in other course work, Pvery effort should be made to correlate this with other offerings, It will be essential to seek the cooperation of clinical specialiste i} for appropriate case demonstrations, and 2) to ensure a balanced account of such topics as mental disease, eugenics and radiation hazards, If there ave pronounced differences of opinion within the medical. faculty, it may be profitable to arrange for joint presentations or discussions. Student laboratory exercises would pose many problems, tus might be worked out in collaboration with ether courses (clinical psatholosys physiological chemistry; micro= blology). Tt would be helpful to have some standardization of preparation in genetics. If most prensdicel students will already heave included a course, it would be wise to urge most of them te do soz 1f not, more emphasis may be necded on the bleod greupa 2 The cource is not designed to indoctrinate specialists, but to incricate an ape preciation for the role of the genotic factor in the determination of disease amd of normal personal individuality. With this background, the student may be better equip ped to learn from his experience in the clinical years and his practice. Text: Possibly "Harris- Intreductionte Human Biochemical Genetics" Reference Books: Sorsby» Clinical Genetics; Neel and Shull- Human Hereditys Sterm» Human Genetics d, Lederberg