MAR 9 1856 Division of Biological and Medisal Research The Reckefeller Foundation I wae interested in Dr. Miller's coments about the lack of available laboratories in wiich foreign saholare might be trained in gman genetics, I certainly hope that the Rockefeller Feusdation would feel free to send While we ase on the subject, I am interested in the possibi Lity of having the Dean of an overseas Medien) Secheol apend a few months with me ing (for better or for worse) how ‘ediesl Adsinistratore develop their uloers E here at. Madieon because of the relationship the University, the Saheol, the “tudent Health Pregram and a large variety of activities, If the possibility ever seem reasonable, I hope that you I am quite distressed te learn of the difficulties surrounding Dr. Var- m'e deaire to remain here fer a more extended period before returning to Lucknow. We had no idea that his wishes to remain in the United States were so controversial in India and we have moved quickly to try te straighten things out. I have advised ' w oar offer of a research assistantship and we ave transmitting a letter Oliver setting forth what I hope will be a hapoy ending to this collection ef misunderstandings. I can assure you that, to the best. of my imowledge, everyone here acted in good faith. . | With kindest regards! | fF Yours sincerely, A (Le MD. J7.Biea