GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14627 AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT HIGHER EDUCATION CAREER QUESTIONNAIRE The following questions are designed to Investigate the kind of commitment to career made by academic Individuals. They Include questions about your personal background, career, family and self. Most questions can be answered with a check mark, a circle, or a brief phrase. Please answer all applicable questions. 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Date of birth: Srahs Place of birth: Mew Near Your sex: Female; — Male Your present marital status: kh. Your present living arrangement: (Check and complete all that apply) (Check one) Never Marrled ___Living Alone Marrled How long? ___living tn a Religlous Community Separated How long? _ Living with Marital Spouse (Partner) Divorced How long? Living with Roommate _”_Remarried | low long? Living Together In Long-term ____Widowed __~__How long? “Relationship Other _____Number of Marriages _ Other (Explain) Number of Children: A. ___(number) Age Sex Natural (Born to you) Step or Adopted Living with You (please check) (check) (check yes or no) 5 Yn — Yes &“ No Ss F& — Yes "Wo _ Yes No Le _ Yes No Religious Afflllation: (Check) Catholic; Protestant; “Tewlsh; Other; None. . Race/Ethnic Status: (Check one) “white; Black; Astan; Native Anerican; Hispanic; Other. 8. Your birth order (Indicate by number) { In a familly of 3 children. 9. Your Educatlonal Background: Degree Awarded Academic Institution Major Fleid Year Bachelor's Columbo Deg [oq 4 | 4g od Master's ABD (All but dissertation) Doctorate Ya le rtapGra/ . 4 ? 10. Current Title: Pres, Lent « 0 ixfesrarn— Wt. Is this a full-time Job: “ ; part-time Job: . If part-time, Ifst other Jobs currently held: 12. 14, Highest degree obtained by Partner (spodse or ‘other): Yn -D. 15. Do you consider your present marriage or relattonshIip one In which both partners are Involved In full-time Jobs? — * Yes; ___No. 16. Type of Academic Institution at which you are employed (Check one In each row): a. University, __ College (offers MA), ____College (offers BA), ___ College (Jr.) b. __ Public, __U Private Secular, ___Private Religious, _ Other ce _~ Co3ed, ___AT} males, __AI1 females 17. How long have you held your present title (In years): oo 18. How long have you worked at your present Institutlon Including all Jobs held there (in years): 19. How long have you worked at all educational Institutions combined (tn years): SS. 20. Your annual salary from your position (Check range closest to your current annual salary): ____Ltess than $15,000 ____ $25,000 - $30,000 ___$40,000 - $45,000 ___$15,000 - $20,000 ___$30,000 - $35,000 ____ $45,000 - $50,000 ____ $20,000 - $25,000 ___ $35,000 - $40,000 ___“0ver $50,000 21. Type of schools you have attended (Indicate kind and size of schools you've attended by checking appropriate spaces): Kind of School Public Private Secular Private Religious a. Elementary “ b. High School “ c. Undergraduate “— d. Graduate School “ Stze of School Very Large Large Hedium Smal! Over 10,000 10,000-5,000 5 ,000-2 ,000 Under 2,000 a. HIgh School w b. Undergraduate v “ . Grade School . Some high school . College graduate - Post-Doctorate . Graduate School Parental Information: Love) of Education Each Parent Reached (Check highest level reached) Father Mother HIgh school graduate Some college/technical school LEIS || ITI] I Some graduate work Master's degree Doctorate (MD,PhD,LLD,EdD) . Father's Country of Birth IE rael Mother's Country of Birth leyvael 2= Parents! Occupation In Your Chi 1dhood (Indtcate number of years) Professional (KD, PhD, LLD) Nurse, teacher, social worker Other professional Father | | Manager, administrator Proprietor, Clerical, sales, sec'y Techniclan, In business — crafts Semi-skilled or unskI} led Domestic work Homemaker Unemployed Other (Spec! ||| fy) Your Partner's (spouse or other) Job: 0 jug sfrt( aun Mother -3- Type of School Coeducat {ona} All-Male All-Female a. Elementary — b. High School — c. Undergraduate — -“ d. Graduate School 22. Family Mobility: Please clrele the number corresponding to how geographically mobtle your family actually was during your childhood and adolescence (how frequently they actually moved). Did not move at all Moved a great deal 1 2 3 4 5 6 i — 23. Family's Response to your education: Using the following scale of "I" (not Important) to "7" (Highly Important), please Indicate how Important the following reasons were In your family's perception for you contIinulng your education. Not important Highty Important 1 2 3 h . 5 6 7 a. So | could be a provider for myself. bo (Choose a number from scale above) b. So | could be a provider for others. 6 c. As a temporary activity until marriage. I d. As a supplement to spouse's Income. ( e. As 8 substitute Income should my spouse become 111, dle or divorce me. J f. As an end In Itself. g. Other (explatn) 24, Has your educational experlence been (check one) “full-time;_- part-time;__both. 25. Has your work experlence been mostly (check one): full-time; part-time; both. 26. LeadershIp Positions held In any organizations. Please Indicate the number of leadership positions held, In both professional and nonprofessional organizations, In high school and college, and at the local, state and natlonal levels. (Use a number, not a check mark): High School College Local Level State Level National Level a. President o- Lv b. Vice-President { c. Secretary 1 d. Treasurer e. Committee Chalr 7 2 | 39 f. Other fl. CAREER BACKGROUND 1. Where would you place your current academic position In terms of administrative level? (Please check one): _ chief Executive Level (e.g., Chancellor, President, Provost) Top Executive Level (e.g., All Vice-Presidents, All Deans, Ass't Provosts) Other Administrative Level (e.g., Directors, Coordinators, Registrars, Chairs of Divisions or Departments, and thelr Assistants and Associates, Counselors) Non-Administrative Level (e.g., Faculty) 2. Slze of your current academic Institution (check one): Over 20,000 students, 10,000-20,000, 5,000-10,000, Between 2,000-5,000, Under 2,000. 3. Career Mobility. Indicate how often you have moved In the same or different institution, In terms of the Jobs you have held, by cIrcling the appropriate number: No Job Mobl lity High Job Mobility 1 2 3 4 5 6 J. - 4 -k- 4. Employment Background. Start with your first Job and account for all years to now: Dates (Year to Year) Title of Position (Chronologically) Full-time Part-time 1947-SO (4959-72 1972 —.. (check) (check) Profe ssc Dent Zhom + "' Dye sedan CAs 5. Importance of Career. Please Indicate how Important your career Is to you by circling the appropriate number: Not at all Important Highly Import 6. Career Aspirations: a. How Jong do you plan to remain In your current pos!tlon? { O years. b. What Is your career goal In five years? Sant Zr “Yyw_. c. What Is your career goal In twenty-five years? yvetive d. If legal requirements didn't mandate retirement, would you remain active profes- stonally In an administrative postion? Yes, No. e. Do you plan to retire? UYes, No. 7. Under what clrcumstances would you be likely to move? Please Indicate the !itkellhood of your moving for each of the following reasons by using the scale below, and writing a number In the space before each statement: Highly Unttkely 1 2 would move » ~ would move | oc. 1 would move t d. | would move | would move would move would move oh Highly Likely 3 4 5 6 7 if a more attractive Job offer occurred. If 1 did not get a reappolntment to my present Job. for more money and better benefits. for greater Intellectual challenge. If 1 were reassigned by my present employer. for personal health and family's health. for personal reasons such as better opportunities for spouse, children, etc. > | would move . Other (speci fy) for my partner's Job opportunity. 8. Limitations on Mobility. Please Indicate how Important the following reasons are as limits on your Job mobl lity by using the scale below, and writing a number In the space before each reason: Very UnImportant 1 2 » ~ cv a a ~ e | | Highly Important 3 4 5 6 i. The academic marketplace Is too tight and restrictive. . My partner's Job restricts me to this area. . My children's Ilves and schools restrict me to this area. The cost of Ilving elsewhere restricts me to this area. My responsibilities to my family (parents, stblings, friends) restrict me. f. Health reasons (self and/or partner) restrict me to this ares. . | ltke this community and do not want to move. 7 on. other (Explain) Up /4uene ss ot nested estilen y Uf 9. 10. iW. 14, 16. 17. 18. -5- no. If yes, Would you work If you didn't have to for economic reasons? Yes, why? Until] what age do you see yourself working? WO re: heatt& Why do you work? Please rank order the reasons IIsted below, using ‘'l'' for the most tmportant reason, and ''5" for the least Important reason: { Out of necessity as | am my own sole support. or economic reasons to supplement my partner's Income. ZB For emotional and psychological reasons (I don't need the money ~ 1 enjoy It). _Z_For Intellectual! and creative reasons. _’_For personal and social reasons (to keep busy, keep from getting bored, to meet people). ___ Other (exptatn) Does -your present Job Involve any social responsibilities such as entertaining? Yes, __No. If yes, how frequently? “Very Often, ____ Sometimes ,__Se}dom. If yes, what type of responsibilities do you personally perform? (Check all that apply): __Organizing and planning ___Buying [tems __ Serving inviting guests ___Cook Ing ___Clean-up If not you, then who else completes these tasks? ___Partner/Spouse,_iSec'y/Ass't. Please indicate how successful you consider yourself to be In your career by circling the appropriate number: Not at all successful hly successful 1 2 3 4 5 fe 7 Reasons for degree of success. Please assign percentages to each of the following reasons, according to how much each reason contributes to your success in your career. The total percentages should add up to 100%: ZO Hard work and putting In a great deal of effort. _[O% Agreat deal of tuck, timing, knowtng the right people. 70% Intelligence and natural ability. % Ease of the Jobs I've had. 100% Total Using the scale below, select the number for each word Iisted below that best describes you In your present Job as you see yourself. Write @ number for each word In the space In front of each word: Not at all like me Very much Hike me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 “~~ o & sensitive S pleasant & concerned G authoritative G compassionate & powerful 7 Intelligent 3 unemot fonal G sincere 6 open 6 friendly 7 Just 6 dominant b Influentlal Uf talkative How many professlonal articles have you had published In the past five years? (check one): None, 1-2__, 3-5__, 6-10__, 11-15__, over 15_ 4 How many professtonal books have you had published In the past five years? (check one): None__, one, two, three__, four, five or more__. How many professional presentations (e.g., papers, speeches, workshops) have you given In the past five years? (check one): None__, I-5__, 6-10__, 11-20, 21-40__, 41-60_“7, 61-100__, over 100__. ~6- (1t. FAMILY ORIENTATION Questions In this sectlon refer to your "familly" which may be defined as one's parents, brothers, sisters, spouse/partner, chlidren, relatives, and/or any other members of your home. However, you may consider additional persons to be a part of your own personal famlly. Please answer the following questions with reference to those persons you consider to be In your "family." 1. Members of your family: Please Indicate with a number all of those people you consider a part of your family: | Spouse/Partner, 2 children, ___ Parents, Relatives, _—ssFrriends, Colleagues, —s— Other (explain) 2. Please Indicate how Important the famlly you described above Is to you by circling the appropriate number: Not at al) Important Highly meres 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 3. How has your famlly affected your career? Using the scale below, please indicate how your family has affected your career by writing the appropriate number In the space fn front of each statement: Not at all A great deal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . My family has enhanced my career... * o Y . My family has hampered my career ... . Having a family has cost me ... Having a famlly has benefitted me... 4. Family Responsibilities. Please Indicate with a check whose primary responsibility it ts, or was If children are grown, for each of the following: yours, your ni partner's, both equally, or another's. Responsibility Yours Partner's Equally Another's a. Interlor cleaning Child care (actual or planning for) “ ov e Driving child to appolntments a Z fa] Meal preparation Food shopping Dish-washIng Laundry ro m 0a aA Exterlor yard work Repairs to house or apartment Repairs to automobile ee k. Buying furniture 1. Buying other household Items ~ m. Buytng clothing 5. Financtal Rasponsibilittes. Who actually controls the money for each of the following? a. Paying bills by writing the checks b. Paying for houstIng “ c. Paylng fixed expenses (utilities) d. Paying for food e. Paying for furniture f. Paying for clothes g. Paying for vacations ~h, Paying for savings “ 1. Paylng for luxurles j- ‘Paying for miscellaneous Items -7- 6. When someone who depends on you Is I11, whose responsibility is it to take time from work to care for, them or to make arrangements for thelr care? Yours, _ partner's, ___Equally Both, ___Another's J. Please Indicate how satisfled you are with the current division of tabor In your household by circling the appropriate number: Highly satisfied Not at all satisfied 2 3 h 6b) 6 L 8. How has your career affected your family? Using the-scale below, please Indicate how your career has affected your family by writing the appropriate number In the spaces In front of each statement: Not at all A great deal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 to a. Having a career has cost me. Tt. b. Having a career has benefitted me. Gc. My career has enhanced my family. _~3_d. My career has hampered my family. 9. Effects of children In your life. Using the scale below, please Indicate how having a child, If you do, or how not having a child, has affected your health and your career by writing the number tn the space In front of each statement: Strongly disagree Strongly agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a. I've had no health problems because I've had no children. b. | have had health problems because I've had no children. { ¢. 1 have had health problems as a result of having had a child(ren). 10. | took off the followIng amount of time after my child's birth (cIrcle one): None) 3 mos. 6 mos. 1 yr. 1-3 yrs. 3-5 yrs. over 5 yrs. — tl. Was your family slze planned? Yes, No. 12. As a young adult, did you plan or expect to: Yes No Wasn't Sure Y Remain single? _ “ wa Marry but have no children? Marry and have children? Care for elderly parents? ~ 13. Regarding your present living arrangements, to what degree have your earller plans (lIsted above In question twelve) been realized? Not at all Completel eg BD 14, If you received a Job opportunity to move elsewhere, how ITkely Is it that you would move? Not at all likely Highly Likely 1 @ 3 , 5 6 7 15. How IIkely Is It that your partner would move with you? Not at all likely Highly Likely 2 3 h 5 Co) L 16. tf your partner recelved a Job opportunity to move elsewhere, how Vikely Is It that your partner would move? Not at all Ilkely , Highly Likely 1 (2) 3 i 5 6 17. How likely Is It that you would move with your partner? Not at all likely Highly Likely ; 2 3 Ow 5 A L a © 1V, SELF ORIENTATION 1. Indicate how much traveling you've done In your life by circling the spproprlate number: No travel Extensive trayeling J 2 3 4 5 6 G? 2. Regarding Interests and hobbles, Indicate how many you actually pursue by circling the appropriate numbers | actually pursue many 1 actually pursue none 2 } {ys 6 1 3. Somatimes successful people feel Tike imposters, acting a part but fearing they will be discovered. Indicate to what extent, If dny, you've experienced this feeling: Never Often @ 2 3 h 5 6 2 Is this (Imposter experience more lIkely to be felt at work? Yes No (Explain) Is this Imposter experience more Iikely to be felt at home? ___ Yes ____No " Yes No " In this Imposter experience felt equally at work end home? 4. Personal development may take many forms (taking classes, golng to conferences, pursuing hobbles, learning new skilis). How Ifkely Is It for you to pursue such personal development experiences? Not at all Itkely Righly_Itkely I 2 3 4 5 6 2 7 5. How extensive Is your “support system (friands, family, colleagues with whom you Interact, share Interests and soclatize)? Circle the appropriate number: Extensive system No support system ! 2 5 4 {5 ) 6 7 ae 6. So you have your own personal checking or savings account? Yes No How much conflict have you experienced among the demands of your Job, famlly and self? Extensive conflict No conflict I 2 3 4 (5) 6 1 What was the nature of the conflict? —7 ,,— [ime . _ have you experlanced any kind of "life criate' an you'd define {t? within the lest year, Extensive crises No crisis @ 2 ; l 5 6 1 What was the nature of the crisis? - “> 9. Have you had_a mantor.-or sponsor (someone who actively helped and guided you In your No. If yes, describe your professional and personal development)? Yes, mentor, Including sex and age and how your mantor helped you: Pyoteesor at college, mate, about /o years older. h 2vberul Cerepmnaseried + Socreire teacher» Tau IX sRills ; Heve you had a role model (someone you looked up to, admired, 'tried to be Tike, who bart Je. strongly Influenced you, but who may or may not have known thay were your role model)? ¢ tite $44 __Yes No. If yes, deseribe your rela model, Including sex and age and how your role model affected you: _ fer _ ce \ |. Eins car, Pasreur, Elche Koch eutiure heres EF aermsams 2. see GF. ll. How setlafled are you about your life In general? Circle the appropriate number: Wot at all satisfied Highly satisfled g:) 2 1 2 3 4 s _ 10 . Thank you for your cooperation. Sandra F. Mark, Research Coordinator