OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY e@ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SUBJECT; Date: June 28, 1971 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Lynda Weisberg Atechments Enclosed are materials accummulated for the study of "fads and fashions" in science. I have attached letters received as well as portions of reprints which had a few lines or a paragraph on the subject. There was, as you can see, a paucity on material. A larger, associated topic on the relationship of scientific growth and epochal changes has a large literature, and I am certain you have read the most important works gince you have an abiding interest in the relationship of the two. I am also including what a wrote on the subject. All of this was written during December and January, but not actually typed until recently. It's all right, and it was my intention to send it to you with the material, just so you would have it on file. I do think that contacting Diana Crane at this point in time would produce more things. She did not answer my inquiry written last summer. I hope these things will prove to be useful. LW WNGN VaOWFW F91dJO © ALISUJAINN GQHOINVIS © WNGNVYOWAW 331430 e@ ALISUTAINN GYOINVLIS © WNAONVYOWSW 331dd0 © ALISUZAINN GYOINVIS e@