Hay £6, 1943 dr. Joshua S. Lederberg 1036 Bast 180tn Street New York City Dear ur. sederberp: at is . ,leusure to inform you thet you have been mittea to the Coliege cf Physicians anc Surgeons in the Getober 1944 class, pencing receipt of an official transcript of your record showing the satisfactory completion of our requirements for sunmd Ssion. in order to coaplete your aplication, will you please notify me within two weeks from the cate of tnis letter that you intend to natriculsete anu accompeny your co:unumication with an ceceptance fee of £50. by check or -xnonev order, puyable to Coiuubia University. A form for your use is enclosea. if you register «t this schcol in Uetober 1944, the amount of the ecceptence fee wilt be eppliec to your tuition fee. af you ere «a inember of tue army or Navy training programs in whieh tuition costs are paia by the Governnent, tne acceptance fee will be refuncea to you. It is cur understanaing thet with this acceptance you wiil be assignea to enter the October ciass of this Medical School. in the interim between inauction end Uctober 1944 you wilt probebtiy be ussignec to pusic inilitury training or to duty with the meuicul department, provicec you have co.ipletec the premeaical requirements. informs: tion concerning registration unc the ideuieel Stucent QuGaiifvinsg Certificate will be cent you at @ ieter ce we Look forwurc with pleasure to naving you 4S & member of our stuuent bod; cud will welcome any opportunity to be help- ful in your mecicui course. Sincereiy yours, nillurd C. Rappleye, X.L. Teun wCH/p