May 29, 1992 Dr. Joshua Lederberg c/o Stuyvesant Alumi Association Dear Dr. Lederberg, It is a great honor for me to have received the Professor Joshua Lederberg Award from the Stuyvesant Alumni Association and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making it possible. I will be attending Harvard University starting this fall and the award should be most helpful in covering my college expenses. I hope to concentrate in either astrophysics or molecular biology at Harvard, then go on to receive a doctoral degree to become a professional scientist. I do not know if I will ever be a great researcher or one of the youngest individuals to have won the Nobel Prize, but I know that one Stuyvesant alumnus has done it before so I[’11 give it my hardest shot too. Thanks again for the award. I hope someday I can be as generous to future Stuyvesant graduates as you have been to ne. "he, oo}: ae Ath op —