_&SNDLY FILL IN BOTH COPIES AND RETURN TO: THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE, 2 East 63rd Street, New York, N. Y. 10021, ATT: Mrs. Genevieve E. Peterson, BY MAY 15th, 196L * * * * a 3 Name Joshua Lederberg Present Address. 716 Alvarado Row City Stanford - State__California Zip Code The first year I entered She-Sedence-Sadxs was 1941 at AISL Laboratory I won the Major/Navy Award in . (year) Previous to the above award, I won } ~ (list other awards) Awards won at competitions other than the Science Fairs are In college, I major(ed) in Zoology and Chemistry I am presently: Attending College Doing Graduate Work In Industry . Private Research Teaching %** Other Remerks: Professor of Genetics, and Director, Jos. P. Kennedy,Jr., Laboratories for Molecular Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine to & & & How I feel the Science Fairs have helped me and why I feel they should not be discontinued Actaally I cannot speak about the Science Fairs from my own experi- ehce, since I was fortunate in an affiliation with the American Institute Science Laboratory at an earlier stage of its program: namely, an opportunity to work in a reasonably well-equipped laboratory on a research problem of my own greation. This was