LOGS Hast lu Street, Bronx, N.Y., January 11,141. lr. Henry Platt; The American Institute Science Laboratory, $10 Firth Avenue, New York,N.Y. Dear Sir: Enclosed, vou will please—find the completed consent tlant,es ~ requested. I shorld also like to aprend a more conplete list of | the equiyment necessary for the project}'Cytology and the Theory of Fixation (of Animal ana Flant Celis)',then was compiled in your office toaay. . Required, the first week: Formalin,U.S.P. 49%, 1CC to b0O oc. F Pieric Acia,U.r. eryst., 20 to 50 ¢. F ana st. Glacial Acetic Acia,C.7.2C00 to “350 ec F Urea, C.I., crypt. » toll gg. F Chroziie Acia,C JF -annyar., dono og. F | Metarl Alconal, BPHithetioor.,qrsoly ve TC 02400 ce, F,wash, Potassium Dichronate, © a G0 MS Ee BEY uss Dioxrane anhrar., | lL vo 4 1lts. dehrdfatve,infilter Zylol oo .L-to 2 tos, stain avd Paraffin, ps at - 9C° C., &£ to 2 ips. infilter and imted iserouric Chlemteg..,. ° Wwe, FE Iz:mmersion oil “25 "ee i.ieroseone “ _ Dissectin- instrttierts : . “Note: The chemicals enumerated above aré ‘tAWee>that are required for firetion, embedding ete.,and tor observing some. rreparations eliready nage, The reference to Camic Acid is meant Literally “in She sense that I should be sunremel: overjoved to lay my hands even on a few molecules of it. the chemicels marked 'F' are to be -, used in preparing finatives. The quantities are sutricient for . - preparins a several nonths supply of the various ones,trt the Usmie Acia, 1x~ewex, ayeilable, whenever -avaigaleble up so 2 g.F st ' lesser amounts indicated are rather necessary to berin uverations, @Lwousn some preliminaries migsnt be »oscible. The oviers world ce used in rurther rrepsarin' tne ‘cissre: cna celir ror L.2eLSo Tony. Stains and nordants,etc.,for Gre secona wee cold . sreecser ore: Slides,cover-clesses(=1l rlesse) anu LOres,ete.,ror about 1OC rre- parations. Demar or balsam tor moumtine. Slide leeis, Bon Auld. senatorylin,eryst.,C.2.(or equivalent) 2 Cc. 6 Stazne Staining Glasses. . Bosin. © .G4.501l. 1 2, Delafields Leueto-ylin solution- ¢his can le ottained elseriere. Acid Puchsin(Sodium Salt 6f Rosaniline sulfonic Acid,Rubine S) 25. , Basic Fuehsin 27. Sentien Violet 2 ¢. Ammonie wever,Distillea Hater,Cone. iCl,vrebatly in stock. Cadmiua Chloride » ¢. (sor Aoyama ethod ef scvainaar dictyosomes) Sodiua Sulpnite, LO g. Sodium Chloride G.r. 1CGg. Expectantly grateful for this anticij-ated oO: porwunitr, I remain Sincerel: and wrnly yours, . . / ~y E jensen ee how Bde Tce otek Josnua Yece rte S \-