nov 7 1973 Yale Univer sity New Haven, Connecticut 06510 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 310 Cedar Street Telephone: (203) 436-1770 November 5, 1973 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: Thank you for the culture of W1485 which you sent to us in September. John Clark checked it with the set of Ty phage that he has been using in his survey of suppressors among our old strains and found that it shows no suppressor activity, to the great relief of some of the Turopeans who have been using it as an ancestral stock. Apparently the stock in the Paris lab did not carry the supE~ mutation that appeared in the Yanofsky stock, _ which is now widespread. Curtiss has informed me that his W1485 stock shows suppressor activity. He used it extensively as an ancestor. Although it does not fit with the standard nomenclature, I have suggested that the substrain bearing this suppressor be referred to in the future as W1485E. To call either strain anything other than "W1485" at this point would be confusing, I think, and this was the best solution I could come up with. As you know, the cultures of Y10 and Y53 that you sent to us did not check out. They would not grow on minimal plus By, thr, leu. We have received from A. Bernstein at the Medical College of Wisconsin a lyophil of Y10 made in March 1955 by his wife, who was then a graduate student of yours. This strain checked out all right and we are now i 6 using it as our Y10. You are welcome to a lyophil of it -- if you want one. I would like to get hold of a very old lyophil of wild-type K-12. AB264 of Adelberg has phage mu at an arabinose locus. Groman's wild type is lac™ and 4ra~. We are currently sending out Hayes' EMG2 as wild type, which seems to be all right, but I would feel more comfortable if we could get one that we knew had been kept in lyophil since the very early days. If you can send us a very old lyophil of K=12 wild type, we would be most grateful. ‘ Best regards, set 5 the bet ; | ° Ay Taree ‘ | _f> 4 “Bavaro arbara J. Bachmann