MAY 4 1973 Yale Univer sity New Haven, Connecticut 06510 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 310 Cedar Street Telephone: (203) 436-1770 May 1, 1973 Dear Josh - We have recently had several requests for some of the early Yale &nd Wisconsin K-12 mutant strains - pro- bably as a result of the appearance of the pedigree paper ~ from people who want to track various anomalies back to their sources. Unfortunately, the strains labeled Y10 and Y53 which we obtained from your lab sometime ago did not check out. In addition, we now have a demand for the following: 679, 679-680, W904 and W945. For future reference, it might be good to have: . W480 and W894 as well, as they occur after a point where the K-12 family tree branches. I'd be grateful if you would send us the eight strains mentioned above. We'll check them carefully before ina t . . sending them out Sincerely, “Sarbsore P.S. I've not been able to get hold of a culture of CS101 anywhere. Do you have this strain in your collection? I believe that Skaar made it. Garen doesn't have it, and Skaar doesn't answer his mail.