CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION Y DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS DEL INSTITUTO POLITECNICO NACIONAL APARTADO POSTAL 14-740 MEXICO 14, D. F. CABLE: POLINVEST, DEPARTAMENTO: Bioquimica REFERENCIA: Dr. Esther M. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine falo Alto, California 94304 U. 8. Ae Dear Dr. Lederberg; Iam very glad to send you this “preliminary ‘report" about our work with the Hfr S- abony strains that you sent us The Hfr sw-1444 has worked beautifully. The results obtained trying to locste the position of the structural gene of pyruvate kinase are very clear and reproducible. As a matter of fact I can tell you that we have placed it, tentatively, at 2% minutes of the point of entrance of the SW-1444 chromosome. : however, strains SiW-1418, SW-1403, Syw-1452 have not worked at all. I understand that their recombination frecuency is lower than that of SW-1444 but I suspect that by some reason they have lost their Hfr character. I am really ashamed of bothering you again but, will you be so kind as for sending me new samples of SW-1418, SW-1403 and §i7-1452? I shals be extremely grateful. I hope you will excuse ail the troubles I Give you, please accept my thanks and best wishes. i Pos d Pee . “typ Truly yours, ry mf } i s rh ff 4 f Mt Nah sy WENT of [Vp 7 i} fe / i 4 as / ae Va TL fetbant / Le: Yer noe - Yt Pha dee 4 i v A ee ef Zé / 7 v} . . Dr. Manuel-V~ Ortega L, pS eee a : Pha Ree \ , fo Shee , Vee