February 16, 1966 Dr. Manvel V. Ortesa Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios _ Avenzedos del Instituto Politecnico Nacional Apartedo Postal 14-740 ¥ Hexica 14, D. P. Dear Dre. Ortega: i'm glad the strains you requested arrived in gocd shape and hope they are useful. You may of course use them in your own Investi- gations freely and also distribute then freely. As for your inquiry about strain S¥1452, it is the same in both reports as far as I can tell, I would euess that Dr. Mokela'ts data are much more preliminary and casual. The best way would be for you to inquire directly of her in Helsinki and alse Sanderson and Denerec to know for sure. You may be interested to know that Dr. B. A. D. Stocker who use to he at the Lester Inst. in London is now continuing his studies of Salm ovella genetics at the Hicroblelogy Dept. here in the Stanford Medical School. Sincerely E. H. Lederberg, Ph.D. Reaearch Geneticist