MEXICO 14, O. FL (ry 4 Le om a OA fe . CENTRO GE INVESTIGACION Y DE ESTUDIOS AVANZADOS HANS eon DEL INSTITUTO POLITECNICO NACIONAL poly Cagis APARTADO POSTAL 14-740 OIRECCION CABLEGAAFICA: POLINVEST Departamento de Bioquimica December 30, 1965 Dr. Joshne Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California U. Se Ae Dear Dr. Lederberg: In our laboratory we are working with some mutants of Salmonella typhimurium LT-2 and we would like to do some conjugation experiments using as donors some of the strains of S. abony Hfr that were derived in your laboratory. I should be extremely thankful if you were kind enough as for sending us the following strains: Salmonella abony SW 1403 Hfr met” avo™ str™ SW 1418 Hfr pro~ str™ SW 1444 (or S¥ 1391) Her met™ ayo” str™ SW 1446 Her str® SW1452 Hr gal str® SW 1462 Her str® rlease accept my best wishes for a fruitful 1966 and my thanks for your attention. Truhy yours, ¢ f Wh. 4 , ha , f ‘4 , _ LY, [hihi © gb” . Dr. Manuel V7 rtega ‘ov