March 2, 1965 Dr. Lazarus Astrachan Department of Microbtology Western Reserve University School of Medicine Cleveland 6, Ohio ‘ Dear Dr. Astrachan: Your letter was turned over to me and I am ashamed not to have answered more speedily. a stated in my paper in 1960, our yr 8 episomes will not give the Lp*/Lp™ heterogenotes; Jacob reports one that does and I believe he called it C24-23. He sent it to me some years ago, but I was unable to demonstrate its genotype. Perhaps you will have better luck. We have not done many experiments involving T4rII. I suggest that S. Benzer would be your most knowledgeable source for unpublished experiments in this line. We are sending W 4520 (carries yr 8) and W 3747 F 13). Sincerely yours, Esther M. Lederberg, Ph.D. Research Geneticist EML: as