Stock-book Non BE. coli (removed June 13 1958 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Bebo ales Agro bacder fre “Poetonunas Sabra mete feign oO: { wpe even ages b ae a R Whe US. stir Meloy Webern #Y Ruhers 3476, SMS 27 25a . 2 -F Whe V Auymineless Color + on mmiwel) 3 _ 87q- Whe - 1, . Lencme pO 2h041 Hf — BBa- tm minimal, . 8 8 ob Cystine no rear Lb " " _ S ii} n ho (9. rifecnue “4 yh Fe yf Feu Mn fC Gf or a . FE ee hed pee Fae torn g cbt 5 atic » Wea Poibt B. “fo —f xT gS. | | 7S 9 —S. aytihhas » Bast7 yb CS. cclintor a . B-12S7- 17 ‘Ss, .7W DB - 1068 eC -— Whe ll . ~ 19, ei 4 . 2) Bar rete pen ce. flununtges i 2 “vs " thre ‘ - ey : fa : vnellioring _ vy 18 7 Unacf.— Anginsa~A (Ores-vy Marsot . . 10-25 S$ : : : Lonny 5 Steeghmce sp , will\ypes iselobd & Cuarshi Iilars 15H 10°UF S57 oo, . . . Whe-3b : ngllan cell) o . WA. -36 ‘ . Aven yan, clad av. n Whe ~34 | former be ee, a - WAC -3¢, , . Lf. WAL i WAAL WaAc : : . . : . ihe hal WA 32 . Le | § WA ASU ex. a < - GwnQiwe WAL ABE OE LS GAS . Wr ase t 2 Was WaAc se whest Z Ly WA 34 | S gpuat Toya Porcns” ( GAA otha h) 50 DATE: li, 1556 REF: 1 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 y WATE ve @ A 3 4. — | prin Ss apiece y a WA 8G tw A fest “ Fett eb e wotaf 3] We Me te ex WAc 16 T po Amgeow S, cpr Whe ifS ce ex WAc It cet pet S . cee: thn Je WHe Yo ive ex Whe NS rect en oapeer, Ss. coe Zi Le o, WA Az Dee aa Sor meer t#S OF Aaa Meta SJ, Coed colo a 8, mo Whe ae hed Te / proto ta J hp Ss cotlOi ghe % om AMS unt ost gel — hours Me rad sal ook 20 - 30 : 40 - WAc — DATE: Noy 1 _ 1455 REF: Wew vsolate, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 — |WAC-18 4% O00 UB AMS + . Tbe - bi Arenes " ma is¢ lot wh.-79| / town / AMS & Sh. qnvennt Oh ‘ Fs Vann) jseb ect WAc-89 “cha Qh hel / 4 wtte spived SGOT no rns iso LoG wWhe-8I abi ter +h wAhd-76 suet i oe Lote Whe-Bav/ apart te WA -79 | mw joel | Se Stee Wh.-al3 // atyhed span 4 atbigh © bl Sipomoe UXT ew sobicte wk - SATs staat yr s Potente Whe -Ba f/ white ~pLit, hs. W Arc ~8 ral ~ eg OO : t/ shhh. > wie sto Jpn } ond S59 2 i. Waar: Re - P 1 A ake “plnthnn (Pho) \MS+ pects Nea - town tripe -p" s Whe -87 pad. | te WA. -86 lk psx BAI CMM LLL LM ZEOLITE TLL LEE OLE EEE TL 30 40 50 N Av-( f ! ~S vn Pee homonas Fluoreseess Rf 6 OAS | Staner — 1 €u-1 | pro (ot ein , 3 1-7 " 1 oS bth | PFS | & Sl verb) Pro ‘ 7 ~ i] bY. tr , av pao” , lo AR -S . PFO LN —\76-m Peo / ie - | — | PES Ba Ki am PFI PFI . ~~ a) te vgs § (yow Ve VS [22 WS tf OA wD Ve Ve, SS it ii i | a q : u i 3 i i i i i i 4 ‘ ¢ i } : ‘ i 4 t ' ; er eg cabo cme cal pee y ' aed se8611 5S SS a 4 -| PE -2. -d.: 4 -F, vf ~6 SfecKS ” cod MENG 4a op fe llr l ! $ i UI : "i : , : iu. : i u i i, ‘ AV, "Fas thes |p 13 /tcH. UV fs elle, “WW fd type Histidine ? | | [s0/e-eee i, Valine. Plows] alone —TRYPTOPHANE fae oR | heucme Jee Shacin ye Fe ‘Guamne L Hyper Mens) Ga Ar- — M- | Ane ine Hernowwe Phe lelanimne; leursrse ete) ile ae pa Anse béucs: SK A345 a AB. 17.64 love SK look: vas! " Tauer. we be wee 4 Notte “Ve. i! a i TRYOT.. “ Hysrab ine, . Crotwe . : ySTINE . “ nine i i ! i J pf se (L/17/83 ie id | 53 es Gone. Vf13 /S¢ | ET f WV 3 x by deop. 1 Tatum bY. 9dRa, "Neanect) Adu Crile ? cnt P Ls a ” meth. Me Wize ’ “ . Sree he LA ae . fo yet deli in? | a S . aA pen" : ad Le aid YE ten iby. $184 & z S HA He’ NG OOP - W4BSY ww 6 S MA ME He prove ews T hs Ue wo BisSesy fare sk a YY 5) | 2S See kL 25 Phone Zam. HRT Flas (Nomad | 2b Y fa 2 10S wr = RA, BD / ‘Kikbe false ; Ye vod in Mba ova Ge, A My ivy Ries Chen = WYIEX7 Palebdpt ZjVY i, Hip pe Nik Crerm> WYIEX 16 4¢ vv . " 1463-5" e Me EN, WY 1S- 3 Vi Ww L4G 2 lt 2A Wy fl * $2 A 1¢3 7G | Petik La WY4. 7 33 Ww ¢.35q Phk &o wyif 2 ve, 18 SNe [ehh ea wy 3 “eek? oy, rehi Lat i su Caroline Ree so vee a wy 7 shal gow 1 RY a thy WA) " - fe “ha SI c0labeck frou ated Ciedh le. HS recard 40 Wee. ae Gd | YS? = patible lhe, OK ge Gi PR. Fawke, pe. 1# pom one. 42 Vie, — eaia\ok Mt #3 AW a ‘Nosa- Bt Yt _” NOME — asl | en 10/20/54 Oy a8 Ley. 1 4 we re 4b VV) ” " ” “ > aD . “ a te Ye : ” " “ an ’ ” 4 root : 4 h ” * on 1 n " “ " 52 My : o “ ae " 53 ‘ “ ” eo se. q1% Prec Bi vy ¢ ul fe a ys [Es 103 *, “4 ros! (067, oy" ta ssf | ae a ee . SE AY ~ : a“ : al . “~~ . ; s ST MA . ” . - “ tr o> A f° . 7 te h - ” * PVE = . oF “ . w : wt a“ .# | . Lite Abo vs yew Lf ¢ a 160 ‘. és : ” : “" ” “ 4 : br iby # on n wo, prac A 63 i s , : ” Loo 4 % a eRe yes Otte OO Oy} # ” ” " a” : 65 if ; ” “ 4 “ . f ns ek the oP 66 W : + “ : 4 , * where oe bow Cree oS V/ : % 4 : " u" ‘ ; 6F Vf + wy " " t 69 Kf : “ i “ 4 ” * 70 Ww ne if foo” . . 7e Wf, ” “ ‘ ” « \ h . . v2 4) i a 5 a j " “ n . J¥A yo peoes Oey 73 4% : “ u i a t , a te Paar a Tt Ww foo i sd " “ 75 4 i e i “ a” oe 76 | “os , ot po . ‘ : st } ” ; al WV | LEW ° | yiP22 " Rijatocd x. | TemER WMT NRRL YIP22 : pediocin 79 4, | af t[Se.- “| yy 1bR3 AN 80 “ 1 WABR2-1R | ‘ating type “ af WV i o “ MES “ff . ” “ . 92 YW " u iWlS98 Pome arose Coe astitigce Lepee! x3 4, i " “ ee Wh, anomiata. Prova BS Wee ome, Py My u "iW 3bE Upggenn we Wo astencoter f aS : A "RSF HF | beg pee “ * ; 75 MA, | tt h me ~S . ve “a ey My i 4 4 Loe _ Sac. cetianoreey cos cactis , ye 4 u K ~23) . So i : " ; c ~ fog 5 Vaden Gr Shee : : ( iY ; in , . apes af . 4 i Ny Kd ; “a fsa i tiie LY. & a). Luce a Rt YR q* LF types BM on tagren. t Made fous ys se Ge “okt snd} ee mp 4 im AY a gal fe eT feee$. (isin @ 2G = ~-- 2-4-7 oy ee Weoue ot ee nie met 4 - + gee ay 5 dt Knee Cc x pee pr Mee Th Me? Ga? a meh Px eth? a 4 “, Komp. aps #2400. — Fiphnuees tec . 10 _ ify ve eg iM? spore eeaeD uhh (ins) fA” Rts * 7 tld + chef Gx 4 Ma mn ty . "2 ap 26% 2.-[p 10¥ ~vtas ) Ue . 5.4, * guje Th” rs yeu ~ uy. 116 Vow “+ pac! a~i6 cotsclion. Aiflecdl u7Vy, 4 Tole * rc co uey/ * wras - L, Ng ACG (B-16.x v2) tego pas OY es (g-spot: éx0 SPIRGEL MAN /s7- 2) Sreain 55. Cg Mel wa se ep Sie Soh CED say . 33 -E-26. Nist™ g Iara RE Ww rb. of “hrRt Mel nasil atea tie BTY, wot Lonely Inge fips Ae : Ah - y (24° ” ful. wm, ns 8 ge? a Sots / pr ate a No- 3. Thanh * pr — achialiact tata (1 — date, ee Wek Thr hs ee? gah TT i-LPg yn {tO- we " @ a / Ia HO-APZ 8 4 4 ~ dene flaanine. petite Pom WY/L? . rie 4 tp-PP oa Jha ae ” a ee alc 4 Np~Pe. ,4 os BC “ «DB. ‘ mpg Ya jaa * py, WYg2 x WY4¢ . via Beek tag "Re — fromeb Net stone, lenecoe-t tsar” BS 8 Te wheat % a ae we 22 4 Malt not ips ma of “LAO 3 Spomebeline By Te. Mal gis “liyiay) 3 smo Baten, (Ma ! 41966) Seuntia nit ter betr oui gop. WMllitaL SM-E-M | mm wo SR fur log. wl pint SM: nh G LT mn SS hd UD. bok STZAZRXTSA CAEL? (= ens mow Ae VB! Thu we altWta wu tu Col frowk “ob,” tc 2345 Ceti tnd RR Ae eee Rae eee Setgenathe phages. C'hp-*) p. Host rans ¢. + Aenea 7 fear | | Sewage 225~| SY-20 scahl shat, K-l ; “ 2257] sy-2¢ a, fer 145 / Bi * 2257 ay-2 a. , conti fi Cr] -~2 . ST sy-2 26! sv¥-34 (S. Qifaab 6 See * ‘ SY-21 meabeabe aple Alaa SY i; $Y-23. ; O25 2 — | SYD gaan plpucell may be- too e)., SY-36. 3 Sewage| 438-2 | K-12 age gl ae 9. Secgahe | 438-20) N-12 1 x Magik, hugh fe 10 || Hev TN K+I2| Av | O. Hy , Heat etl (2 uride | Ratt weil iy cq { b > 7A * coare 458 -C1 ‘en = 3S oe SiGe 2? Le | o - J2 $09 tu = , Me Seu (t20-C! | Kp] bysopte lo) "e3| RIy gs | ge al "Yel | losr8 (r= [onet net 087 (r+)! z ase Sesses 49 WSF ust WS. M20 s13, tutant of p20; attacks wei). A Coins 4SP aq N-1 21 Sn ne onde na a ee 73. 1007 Cie ay 3 6o1 (a) 7S pos” Je liwoy 4/030 7 - 40 33° SO 1037 SI Jovér. | ED 1078, 72. 83 0357 37S. 85 oy | 8 SMe ¥ 35 $7 so4 > BP JOU Salmomella typhimurium Lilleengen cultures Stock Cultures No. Representative Used Other LT-1 84 = TAI 306 LT-2 85 «fh STAN 87" LT=3 22 525 LT=4 125 536 LT=5 193 LT=6a 205 LT-6b 538 119 LT=9 B78 EF AYS 203 VV LT-8 43 590 LT=9 116 497, 504 LT=10 414. LT=11 74v¥ s24y/ LT-12 15r ELA LT-13 1670/4 331 LT-Lé 135 ,/ 199, 11412 LT-15 207, 508», 518v LT-16 9 23% LT-18 *100 89 LT-19 a “LT=20 428 LT-21 192 Lt-22K/ 409 aD 426 “Edwards cultures No. ' Details S-20 ; Monophasic I 6-2} TI" Shryuke (946- pe. S.typhimurium var, copenhagen 13. 7 "Oo" form 24. " phase II fershey culture “fo. Details : BW-36 S.typhimurium var. Webster “fe “Boyd cultures No. Details 1404 Supposedly non-lysogenic 1411 7 " a Berman cultures No. Details SW-516 Vet. Sci. Mouse colony SW-517 i] " a tt Obtained from Edwards--- iM, s. 2N/ Ss. 3y/_s. 41% S. 6.W/, Ss. 15W%s. 16/ 3, 17.W3, 1sW/ s, 21. S. 27. e 28/3. 36” s. 504% S. 569V/S. 577 3, 50 Wa. 60. 5 S. 3. Salmonella Serotypes paratyphi paratyphi Avar. durazzo paratyphi B paratyphi B paratyphi B phase II- stanley heidelberg chaester san-diego derby abortus-ovis abortus-bovis Cholerae-suis var. kunzendorf newport glostrup tybhi H 901 W typhi 2V . typhi Yatson V typhi V-E 1 typhi V-F 1 &-typhi Ss typri 64. 3. 67._,S. 6847/8. 70. S. 71.” 5, t4aV¥8. 75.04 : ee a7 3 90. S. 91,.Vg, 92. 38. 95. 3 98.WS. 103M. 105, 3. 119.3. 128s: 128, 3. 129WsS. 154. K. enteriditis moscow btegdam eastbourne - sendai gallinarum pullorum lendon « senftenberg — aberdeen poona worthington » hvittingfoss (~~ 34s) kentucky abony wichita habana altendorf vejle montivideo coliel [ Lappin: 303A, WB) 1357 ecolie2 139 We, 140 /VE. 142 We, 145. 148 162 YS, 163. Ss. coli-3 coli-4 colie5 | kaapstad dalinatis florida “” madelia phase f ( ly ayo +, $48) number refers to station circular # 54 = Sw 70!— Gee Fon nef iE (lyat 703438 i 12 BADS (yrplst #SWiS7) (Str 112%), pr be Mans -Wusressch Syn Brsr2sD . .. S, Can bude (Sure ) ~ S, beahoon (fv 112),) e vr. co 4 AALATASESIAVLUVVSS KS Salmonella Stooks on Hand i fi +idis in : a eeey TY variant Heflrowsmeless. nethionineless yphi oais Beth barack 2413 3 ts i Deo 7 te ” Baro et at in ab a = Kaffe - ra A @urasso a 8 d 3 t 19 typhi Watsony// 4 ee PRBS: a0 sendal ; te 2 plegdan “ f4 kentucky 115 c014 1 239 anatis 28S typlaimamen | 11/9/47 SALMONELLA SW__Reference Source Agent Mutation Details i. I IV V,i,-- prtotrophic 8-20 monophasic I Edwards Ze I IV V;-51,2,3 " S-21 " II " 3. 205 Sw- 1 U.V. Histidine 4. “ ft " 5e . SWe2 " Yeast Extract 6. 208 " " PAB weak response 7. “ SW-2 " Leucine-iso leucine-valine 8. 7 . " " Tryptophane 9. , " Spontaneous Xylose variable (#) 10, sWw-8 U,V, Arabinose (-) 1 Pe ee era e en nme w ween nese nee ne 12, Sw-10. Sp6 Sp6R ( nutrition uncertain) 13. 260 SW-7 U.V. Galactose (-) Sp6s 14, NZ 971/48 4 SW-1 U.V.PEN Leucine 15," k " “on jeucine replaceable by A 12 (CM) 16, , 9/14 1 swe3 en Histiding Proline 17. " Bl SY-23 no Histidine 18. " Be " nA 4eucine 19," BS " a8 Methionine 20, " °B4 " “8 Cystine or methionine 21, " 5 " oon a " 22e " B6 " ad A 12 any 23. " BT " = A 5 not single 24. " Bla SW-17 0 Lysine # methionine 25. “ Blb nl Threonine Ee 22-4021) --- 28. " Ba Sw-18 iad Methionine 27. i J B2b " n 8 " 28. " Bee . ." Ess, A.A. 29, " Bed “ not A 12 ( only) 50." B26 " “4 7 1. " B3a SW-19 na Proline ( OH proline) 2e" B3b " "oH Leucine 33. " B3e " "oH Proline ( OH proline) 34. " B3d " ua Histidine 55. " B3ft 7 oe Cystine 56, Hershey S. Webster 37,NZ Ble SW-17 on Al2 only 38" Bg SY-23 "on Phenylalanine, tyrosine ({ both) a9. " Bll "4 (aa “a - 4 Proline 40. " B16 | sow Histidine 41. " Blo " "on Methionine 42, " Bild SW-17 = Proline 43, " Ble " ow Methionine 44, " Bag SW-18 “oa " 45. « Beh tt # Of u 46. " B3g Sw-19 on Proline v4. " BSh " Wot t Uv 48, " B3j " _ Iso-leucine # valine 49 .Rittenberg S,. cholerae-suis ( requires Bl) 50, ® . §&. poona 51.NZ 10/19 SW-25 U,V. plates Maltose (=) " t | pee " " " " it a " Ree ” " t A] " " ° # n yt \ att ul Salmonella Con't SW Reference Source Agent Mutation Details 56. NZ 11/2 SW-50 U.V. PEN. Cystine | 57, “" " " * oo" Cystine # methionine 58. " " . . 8 Leucine 59, " " " "oo Pyrimidine ( uracil) 60, " 11/4 " noo Al2 61. " iid a n " it 62, L "# uw w # ft 63, ft " * tt fi # 64. a tJ ” # " n 65, " w " # # ? 66, t n v7] "1 " ? 67, " 11/5 SW-52 "plates Arabinose (-0@ glucose - 68. o on " "oon " 69 " a t ve e ¥ 70, +" " Sw-31 "oon Galactose (-) 71. Li] " 1" "a " tt T26 " " cy " # " 3, 54R Rittenberg SW-49 SP 49 R 74, 91 M " SW=50 Arginine 15. "2 SW-74 Arginine Purines(NZ xanthine) 76, Hershey ( NZ) SW-36 Spontaneous Bl or Ca pnt, 77, $/14 SW-36(760.V. PEN Cystine (BL) | 78, NZ 3/26 7 7 " Cystine ( serine) 79. e " " ” ” “ " 0. " 3/29 " " " " ( arginine) 1, * " " * " Leu&ine 82. " 4/26Y 0" " layer " 33, " " g " ft " a ze " 4/29 SW-58 U.V. PEN Glutamic ( proline) e " a ” ” ci] Cystine 86, *" * ® 7 " Threonine 87. " 5/16 SW-13 Sp? Sp? R ( lysogenic] on lactose 88, tI] " / a " " " 89, Ld] LJ " n u a it 90. it ft " a Ld " ts 91, # 0 bs J " wt # " 92, "" Sw-75 U.V. plates Maltose (-0 93, " * " . . Maltose slow 94," =8 SW-84 " " Mannitol slow 95. a " " 8 ] a 96, w "| * # " w wt 97, " 5/18 SW-50 U.V PEW Bl 98 " a "t # " tt 99. " " " tt nt: " 100," " # ww iT #9 101." 5/23 SW-92 U.V. plates Mannitol (-9 102." 6/6 SW-87 Autonomous lysis on dextrose 103," " WH tt " be 104," " SW-2 Sp? Sp? R 105 9 " ft Li] " 106," " " "| " 107," w ft # Ly 108," t ti i log,." 6/9 SW-87 Autonomoug lysis on maltose l. Sal X= bet m onella mutants KE =m bet” SW source Agent Mutation DEE, Preservation a 8-20 U.V. Héstidine ° " extxazrk " De Se2l " Yeast extract +“ 6. " " pab . weak response 7. : " Leucine, iso-leucine, valine 8. " " Tryptophane L 9. " Xylose variable spontaneous 10. Sw-8 " Arabbnose - 12. SW-10 SP+6 SP-6R 13, swW-7 U.V. . Galactose - L 14, SWel U.V.Pen, Leucine 15. " . " replaceable by CM ~*«* 16. SW-3 " Proline 17. SY=-23 " Histidine L 18. " 7 Leucine 19. 7 7 Methionine 20. " .f Cystine or methionine L 21 e w bf} HW 22 ° " “ Am-1 23, " Am-5 . 24. SW-17 S Lysine # methionine 25. " " Threonine 26. SW-48 " Methionine 27 e tt fi] u 28, " " Essential AA 29, " Am-1 30 ° ti | " a sl. SW-19 " Proline aay 8 " Leucine A 356 " " Proline 34, " " Histidine L 35.6 " " Cystine 36. Hershey, A.D. S.typhimurium Webster AX OTe SW-17 U.V. Pen Am-1 L 38. SY-23 " Phenylalanine e# tyrosine L 396 " " Proline 40. " " Histidine 41. 7 . Methionine 42. SWe17 " Proline 43, " " Methionine 44, SW-18 " " L 45, tt s it - tt Bea / oy 19 . Proline Kr. 48. " " Iso-leucine # valine 49, Rittenberg S.cholerae-suis (requires Bj) 50% 7 S.poona 51. SW=25 U.V. Maltose - ’ tt " Zs: iV 1 " w KB Ba, " " " 55. " " nu SW 56. 57. 58. 59.6 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 69. 710.6 71. 126 75. 74, 83, 90. | Be Zen 95. 94. 95. 96. O76 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103, 104, 165. 106. 107. 108, ford lil. Source Agent SW-50 U.V.Pen " n " tt et " t ' w t it " tt " wt tt " e " SW-52 ULV. tt ti) a SW-31 " i . " wt it SW-49 SP-49 SW-50 ? SW-74 ? SW-36 Spontaneous " U.V. Pen it " tt a i iy A , a a u ti " swiss " " a " at SW-92 U.V.plates SW-87 Autonomous tt SWe-2 SP-7 “ " " it bi] "i " " Re Mutation —eiparkhs Cystine " # methionine Leucine Uracil Am-1 Arabinose ~« W " Valactose - " " SP-49R Arginine Aanthine Thiamine Cystine " or serine tt n 2 or arginéne Leucine " Glutamic (proline) Cystine Threonine SP-7 R (lysogenic) u t tt " Maltose = Maltose slow Mannitol slow "l Thiamine "a Mannitol - lysis on dextrose tt SP-7 R " it " SW-87 Autonomous lysis on maltose SY-115 Purification Frot. lace Histidine,lac # Preservation 5. SW Source Agent - Mutation Deserts lle. SW=111 U.V. Pen Thiamine 113, SW-110 " Purines 114 S.madelia " Pantothenate 115, “ " Am-2 116. " " Am=-1 pile " " «Pantothenate 11aV/ " " Histidine # glycine 119, 7 a Pantothenate 120. " " Methionine # lysine lel. " " Vitamins 122, a " Pantothenate 123, " 7 Am-2 124. " " Pantothenate 125. " " Am-2 126. " 7 Yeast extract 127. " " Hydrolized casein 128. " 7 Pantothenate 129 . tt n u 130. " " Yeats, extract 131. " " Am-2 . 132. ". 7 Pantothenate 133 . i. " iT a e/ SW-113 " Leucine 35. SW-134 U.V.plates Maltose - 136 ° 1e " it 137. SW-118 U.V. Pen Ame«3 138. " " Am=-2 139, SW-131 " Cystine # iso-leucine #valine 140 e " " i tt Ley f SW-314 " Thiamine 4206 SW-111 " Leucine 143, SW-1539 U.V.plates Maltose - 144, SW-141 # Mannitol ~ 145. SW-137 Purification Smooth 146, SW-135 U.V.plates Mannitol -~ 147, SY-33 U.V. Pen Purines 148. a 7 HC 149. " " Am-1 150, SY-84 " Vitamins 151. SW-148 iw Am-1 152. SW-149 " Am-5 153, 7 " Am-3 154, " " Yeast extract 155. SW-78 SM gr 156 e at tt w 157, SWe8l Azide Az™ 158. SWe1lll reversion Histidine # 159, E.coli 134 Histidine-,lac # 160. SY-28 U.V.Pen Methionine 161, " " Uracil D2. | B.coli X S.coli prototroph AGS" S¥-160 U.V.Pen Cystine 164, : « " a 165. SW-161 7 Thiamine 166% tt on " Preservation b t ZZ: &: L rKre reek * rPererepor * SW 2235, 4, Lysogenic to LT-10 i Source Ageny Mutation Dequars Preservation 167. yr (43) U.V.Pen Yeast nucleic acid OK hea sh " bd ae : ie 3-161 ‘ Isoleucine-valine L e L 172, " Serine. sad 173, " " Proline L pees ards (85) " Proline a fi Aes pT Bae EAT ox rey Histidine x 80 ow, " " Cystine # methionine wr” “ fen. / " " Cystine ere” 185. LT=7 (578) " Cystine or methionine L e " " Proline L 85. " " Cystine L 86. " " Cystine or methionine K 1 7. ; " i | Am-1] . ape y/ " 7 Methionine ae ~ 489, " " Cystin - SO. Seis © 191. " " Leucine L 192 " " Glycine L 1935. " " Histidine L 194, 7 " 2 195, SW-163 U.V.plates Maltose - L 196, i u tt 197. Lt-4 (125) U.V. Pen Cystine or methionine L 198, " t " " L 199, " " Cystine 200, J " L l. " " Purines L LOR. LT=1 (84) Gustine poy shd/s 3. ‘ 204, LT-3 (22) " L 205, t it Cg 206. L¥-5 (193) " " L 207. at w tt 208. LT-6 (205) " " L 209. "l if it 210. LT-9 (116) " " L 2ll. t t L fi3 SWe-171 U.V.plates Sorbitol slow 13Y LT-1l (72) U.V.Pen Uracil L 214. " " " L 215. LT-12 (111) " Phenylalanine L 216, " " Isoleucine-valine L 217. " 7 4eucine L ela. LT=10( 414) " Cystine L 219, . t w cy 220. LT-14 (135) " Phenylalanine L 22l. " " goa eT " De SW Source Agent Mutation beeumier 3 breservation 224, LiTg14 U.V. Pen Phenylalanine L 225.6 " " Leucine L. 226. " " " 227. 2 " YNA {nuunexsf L 228. LT-15 (297) " Phenylalanine L oan. " " L iite1s (331) " Leucine L 31 " Purines u 232. LT-16 (9) " Phenylalanine L 293. " " " 234, LT-19 +30) " Isoleucine-valine L 235. LtT-20 (428) " Phenylalanine L 256. 7 tt 237, LT-21 (192) " L we: " Histidine L 39H) " Isoleucine-valine Le 240. LT-22 (409) Phenylalanine # tyrosine Le 41 Threonine u* 242, tt nf " 243, " " Pyrimidine u 244, " Ui] it] \ ean, " " Purines ° 46.¥ ne 7 Cystine Le 247. " " t 248, " " Leucine 249... i] Wie t 250. LT-3 " Leucine # YNA L. 251. LT-15 (297) 4 Leucine 252, LT-5 " Histidine L 253, LT-1 (306) " Pantothenate 254. " " Cystine or methionine L 255. : " Cystine L 256, tt Hn i n 257. * " Lt " 258. LtT-19 (2) " Histidine L Bo J " 7 Methionine u 60NV " Cystine Le 261. LtT-20 " Cystine L 262, SW-238 " 7 L 263, SW-2357 " Phenylalanine L 264, " " Cystine L 265. " » Am-3 L 266. 7 7 Tryptophane 267. " " Am~-1 268./ sw-246 " Am-2 L 269, 7 " Proline Lu 270. uo " Methionine L 271. " " u wae./7l SW-261 " " L 13 SW-236 " Histidine L 274, " Proline L 275. " " Am-1 L 276. " nu t 277. w uw LY 278. " " ow Source Agent 2796 SW-240 U.Ve Pen £80 WwW " rn 28l. " wt 282. nN " 283. SW-251 " 284. SW-258 " 285. SW=-260 " 286, it tt 287. LT-10 U.V.plates 288. tt t 289. " " 290. SWe-231 U.V. Pen 2 e ¢ a Zon SW-229 " 2 Ge si ci] Bi SW-224 . 295.6 SW-225 " 296. " 297, SW-272 X SW-279 Cross 298. . " 2996 SW-230 U.V. Pen. 3009" sW-184 " M1 r] ’ ut e024 swel68 " 3034” SW-217 " 304. SW-272 U.V.plates 305. " " 306, n WW 307. SW-279 " 308, " " 309. " " 310, " " oll, 6. Mutation Details Preservation Tryptophane L "n LL. ”" i. " . +Purines or histidine ? L HC L Methionine Leucine LT-10/ LT-10 " Isoleucine-valine w Tyrosine HC Am=5 1] Am-4 Prototroph i] Isoleucine-valine Cystine Vitamins Phenylalanine # tyrosine Yeast extract Maltose - at tt Galactose - w at i 312°“B, coli-134 Purification Adenine 313, LT-20 U.V.Pen O14, LT-16 " 515. " " 316. tt n 517. LT-1l1 " 318. ® " 519, SWe241 " 320. " " 321. " it 322. SW-243 " 925. " " 324. SW-250 " 525. SW-204 " 526. SW-178 " 527, SW-506 Azide 528. " " 329 e 8 at 550. SW=307 SM 331. 8 " 332. " # Am-3 triple " a w Yeast extract ft Methionine e Am-1 Leucine Am=1 2 YNa Yeast extract Az R " " gt " u r Prere rer roo rar reer re reer! SW Source Agent 333, SW-306 SM 334. u " 535, SW-3507 Azide 336, 1] uw 357. SW-191 U.V. Pen 338. n "| 359 6 t " 340, SW-253 " 341. # " 342. SW-254 " 343, t ' 544, SW-197 " 345. SW-199 " 346, 7 " 348, " " 349, SWe527 " 550. 7 " 351 wo} Sw-307 " $52. nv tt 553. SW-550 " 354, " " 355, SWe272 " 356. " " 57 A sw-279 " 358. w " 359, SW-341 " 360, " " 561. SW-342 " 362. " " 5363. SW-286 7 364, " " 365. SW-284 7 366, tt * 367 SW-306., U,V. Pen 368, Ld n 369, " " 370. 7 371. " S736 " 374. " " 5374. S.senfeenberg " 575. cop. . 376. " ® 377. S. bonar. " 378Y4S. para B vi 3796 « " 580, S.newport " 981. SW-169 " 382. 7 _ 585. SW-240 7 384, SW-351 " 385, bi] "t 586. SW-299 U.V. plates W “ 387. Te Mutation Details gr " &z™ wt Yeast extract i Purines Isoleucine-valine YNA Isoleucine-valine YNA Histidine Vitamins Leucine Mannitol + ” Lato " " Xylose - w Galactose « a Maltose «- w Galdctose = e Maltose - t # " Galactose - Ei] Isocleucine-valine HC Yeast extract Tryptophane HC Am-2 Tryptophane Leucine Am-2 Ame-1 Am-4 Ame4 Vitamins tt Cystine " YNA Histidine " Galactose - " Preservation r | Prerere Ferrer re mre r Prrreereerrer 438. SW Source Agent 388. SW-213 U.V.Pen 389. SW-217 " 390 " 391Y/ gu_215 " 392, SW-252 " 393, " i" 394. SW-179 " 395W Ltell " 396, it " 397, LT#9 " 398 Li " 399, " " 400¥ LT~10 " a toa/ Lt-16 " 403, " 404, " " 405, " it a06. SW-167 " 407. " " 408, Bera (26) " 409 SW-230 " 410. LT-1 (206) " 1M’ sw-410 " 12 .v~ rT] " 413, " 2 n - 4 " 414.0, SW-£96 27 " 416, SW-178 " 4 le " g v/ SH-168 " +t wo su SW-406 " 4 e " 1 423, W/ SW-408 " 42 : ity ” ih Sw-402 " 425, SW-228 " £26 W SW-216 " B27 LT-18 (100) " A " 4 e n i] 460 SW-427 i a " tt 432. SW-428 " 4550/7 SW-219 _” SW-252 " ae OW SW=351 SM (500u) 6M 8. Mutation Details Lysine Am-3 triple " Serine or glycine Lysine tt HC Uracil t Cystine #isoleucine-valine Cystine n Purines t Cystine Proline Phenylalanine#tyrosine a " HC “ Guanine Purine Cystine Methionine HC Threonine Histidine w HC Histidine Tyrosine tt Am-1 " " iy Purines e Guanine Leucine Cystine " Proline a Am-2 YNA Methionine # lysine 8 t " " Preservation rr Te rr