UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ¥xiiiinitSERaAtTioN Service BUREAU OF ANIMAL. INDUSTRY FROGS RNEREOBIIGISKX Animal and Poultry Husbandry Research AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CENTER BELTSVILLE, MARYLAND D- December 14, 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics College of Agriculture The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: We have your request of December 11 for a culture of Micrococcus eryophilus and will be very pleased to send you one. Naturally a few days will elapse before we can get a transfer from our dehydrated stock culture but we hope to mail you a subculture before the end of this week. This organism was also deposited with the A.T.C.C. in 1951 and there is a possibility that theirs may be closer to the published description after this lapse of time. You will find it necessary to incubate this organism at temperatures below 30°C. and protect it from high temperatures during the summer. Very truly yours, Milllm Zafhl William L. Sulzbacher, Bacteriologist MeatResedrch Division