American Chemical Society RB, R. STANERSON Executive Secretary 1155 SIXTEBNTH STREET NW WASHINGTON DC 20036 RE public 7-3337 ac 202 Membership Activities Division R. L. SILBER, Director Member Services Office LUCY MASSEY February 10, 1970 Dr. Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr. Head, Ecology Studies Section National Cancer Institute-NIH 401 Wiscon Building Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Dear Dr. Fraumeni: Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of February 3 in which you request clearance to send Professor Joshua Lederberg a list of ACS members who died of pancreatic cancer, and an abbrev- iated list of those who died of other causes. There would be no objection to your supplying Professor Lederberg with the lists provided you stress the confidential nature of the material, and we appreciate your continued stress of the confidential and prudent handling of the data. Sincerely yours, ; LMM/ jac