DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE . BETHESDA 14, MD. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Area Code 301 Tel: 656-4000 February 24, 1964 Dr. Joshua Lederberg kink 2 1964 Professor of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Dr, Lederberg: Your letter of February 14 to Dr. Bertie Woolf has been referred to me and I was interested to hear of your constructive meeting with Mr. Beresford. I was also interested to see the notes which you sent to the National Center for Vital Statistics on demographic studies related to pedi- atric and genetic problems, I was sorry to hear that they were unable to furnish the requested tabulations to you. With respect to seasonal variation of birth, they have a recent observation which may be of interest to you. One of the hypotheses is that the seasonal variation might be due to changes in fetal mortality. In general, one would expect that the sex ratio would decrease with increased fetal mortality, as you know. They have put together three years of tabulations on seasonal sex ratio, There appears to be a correlation, all right, but it is exactly the opposite of the one expected - ae is, a seasonal @#ex ratio increases as the natality decreases. I am taking the liberty of sending you a report which I propose to publish on perinatal mortality in the Indians. Here I have made a very crude comparison of census variables with perinatal indices. This might be regarded as a before in a before-and-after comparison of what yeu might be able to develop with your computer. I am also working on a second report studying perinatal indices in Orientals. Most of this data is from California and it shows quite impressive differences. I would be happy to receive any comments that you might have and any other information. I hope to be in touch with you after the Council action on the census material in March. Very sincerely yours, Franz Rosa, M.D., Acting Director Perinatal Biology Program National Institute of Child Health and Human Deve lopment Enc Losure