April 19, 1963 Dr. Alejandro Zaffaroni President Syntex Laboratories, inc. Tol Weich Road Palo Alito, Californla Dear Alejandro: As you wisely suggested | am now putting In writing the proposals we hed just briefly discussed about possible support of some aspects of our genographic work an the seasonality of birth by the Syntex Laboratories. | am enclosing a brief description of the project as an attachment. Qur main problems in continuing with this work and planning its further development come from the inflexibility of RIN policy which has prevented me from making any extensive use of funds from other grants, even though they may be related to the general question of human blology and development. {| have been In close correspondence with Dr. Luca Cavalli-Sforza in Pavia, and he has access to a considerable body of Itallan and other European date which would be very useful in further analysis. in addition, he hes with him at the present time, Dr. Howard Cann, who Is returning to Stanford after an additional year, as en Assistant Profassor of Pediatrics, and Or. Cann's assignment to the problem would provide a very desirable degree of continulty in this line of work. | am preparing an application to the NIH which will be submitted about June 1, and on which we have every expectation of a favorable reply, to be effective, hopefully, by September 1, possibly a month or two after that. However, to make it possible to assure the development of the program at Pavia, and to some extent some similar things ourselves, it would be very advantageous to be able to make some definite commitments right away. So my first proposal to Syntex Laboratories [s a requegt for a research grant to the extent of £20,000 for a one year commitment on an underwriting basts. That is to say, the commitment of these funds Is Intended to make It possible for me to make prompt arrangements and 1 would not ask you to actually grant them unless they were needed to discharge our obligations made now and for some reason we had not received the expected funds fram the subsequent action of the NIH. ta our conversation | had mentioned a larger figure of about $35,000 which Is approximately the scope of the grant { Intend to apply for, but {| belleve that £20,000 would cover the esgent!al commitments that we would have to follow through on regardless of the availability of Nit funds. Ly) Dr. Zaffaront April 19, 1965 My second proposal Is a request for funds to ald In the continulty of our work over a period of three years, and asks for a grant of $7500 for each of three years, effective May 1, 1963. These funds are Tikewise Intended to cover gaps in support from other sources and would be most helpful In arrangements for details that are difficult to foresee, for new equipment, and especially for travel end expenses involving consul tet ion and data from other government agencles which places serfous complications in the use of NIK funds. Yours cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Director, Kennedy Laboratories