JUN 27 1966 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH June 23, 1966 BETHESDA, MD. 20014 AREA CODE 301 TEL: 656-4000 In reply refer to: HD 00045 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor and Executive Head Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 93404 Dear Dr. Lederberg: The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development has already informed you that a recommendation regarding your application for renewal of research grant HD 00045 has been deferred until the November 1966 meet- ing of the National Advisory Council on Child Health and Human Development. The Epidemiology and Disease Control Study Section deferred recommendation in order to obtain additional information from you. They found that the proposal submitted was not sufficiently detailed to permit adequate evalua- tion. The Study Section members recognize that it is difficult to describe in detail research which is moving in new directions and that it is unnecessary and undesirable for proven investigators to have to certify competence by elaborate descriptions of methodology. However, since Study Section members must make judgements largely on the basis of the written proposal, they must possess sufficient detail to allow them to make recommendations with reasonable confidence. I would like to cite a few specific examples of the kinds of questions you might like to consider in preparing more detailed information for the Study Section. It has been noted by the Study Section that the title of the project does not appear to be directly related to the nature of the investigation. The major focus of the study does not seem to be the com- parison of mentally retarded and control kindreds but rather the detailed analysis of fertility and child spacing patterns. Although this may seem to be a minor point, it does illustrate that a more complete discussion of the research in the proposal might have served to clarify whether your original aims have changed, whether the title reflects an ultimate goal, or whether this is still actually the major emphasis. In any case the Study Section finds very little description and discussion of the mentally retarded and control kindreds in the application. The proposal does not clearly state your aims with respect to the analysis of fertility patterns by socioeconomic variables. No hypotheses are suggested Dr. Joshua Lederberg -~2- June 23, 1966 and no particular questions are asked. It is pointed out in the application that in regard to the data on fertility and child spacing made available by the Census Bureau, certain estimates need to be made to correct deficiencies in the data. It is indicated that the corrected data are to be tabulated and analyzed. This kind of general statement gives our reviewers very little information to evaluate. The Study Section noted that when you prepared the application in December 1965, you expressed considerable enthusiasm about the possibilities of the IBM 360 system. Their experience indicates that delivery and operation dates are not on the schedule which many persons had anticipated. They wonder whether any complications may have arisen in the conduct of your study related to the availability of this system. The Study Section will appreciate whatever additional information you can and wish to send us to assist them in the review of your renewal application. It would be helpful to have this by the end of July in order to make copies availa- ble to the members for thorough consideration before our meeting. If I can be of any assistance to you in regard to this matter, I would be glad to have you write or telephone me, My direct dial number is 496-7210 (area code 301). Sincerely yours, te ne Wilcox, Sc.D. xecutive Secretary Epidemiology and Disease Control Study Section Division of Research Grants