STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ¢ (415) 321-1200 STANFoRD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics July 16 ; 1971 Prof. N. B. Cacciapuoti Chairman, Committee for U.S.A.-Italy Science Cooperative Program Ufficio Rapporte Internazionali CNR, Rome, ITALY Dear Prof. Cacciapuoti: Since: the inclusion of the Stanford/Pavia exchange in the U.S.-Italy Science Cooperative Program, the regular exchanges of visits between Pavia and Stanford have resulted in the elaboration of a number of joint research projects in genetics and molecular biology in which both U.S. and Italian scientists have participated. e The single most important work to have come to fruition under this pro- gram in the last year, however, is completion of the book "The Genetics of Human Populations" by Dr. L. L. Cavalli-Sforza and Dr. Walter Bodmer (formerly at Stan- ford, now at Oxford University). The book is scheduled for publication this fall by W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco. By verbal account of many colleagues, it promises to be a milestone work in the field. The collaboration of Dr. Cavalli- Sforza and Dr. Bodmer in this comprehensive study was made possible by the encour- agement and funding provided by a long term program which enabled them to undertake a study of such magnitude, including travel between Stanford and Pavia, with a reasonable expectation of bringing the work to completion. I have myself collaborated with several research workers visiting from Pavia under the auspices of this program and part of this work has already been published, as documented in the list of publications which has undoubtedly been sent to you by our Italian counterpart. We expect that some six to ten visitors from Pavia will spend from three months to two years in our laboratories in the next years under the auspices of this program, and anticipate that, reciprocally, several of our faculty members and associates will spend varying periods of time at Pavia. Sincerely yours, ro™. eee, . (/toshua tederbere of Professor of Genetics LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIGLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE