: / “a sh \ NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. December 23, 1958 Ala VIA ATR MATL Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California Dear Doctor Lederberg: The Division of Biological and Medical Sciences is pleased to inform you that your research proposal entitled "Genetic Recombination in Bacteria" has been approved by the National Science Foundation for a sum of $109,500 for a period of approximately fivwyears. So that you may acquaint yourself with the conditions of the grant, we enclose a copy of the grant statement, and also our brochure which contains helpful information about NSF grants. Our policy with regard to reports on research supported by the Foundation is to keep them as simple as possible. We should like to have a short informal progress report in duplicate at the end of each full year of operation under the grant, and at the expiration of the grant a more comprehensive final report, also in duplicate, of your research accomplish~ ments. In addition to a description of the research carried out, these reports should contain a chronological bibliography of articles published under the grant, as well as a listing of all personnel who have worked on the grant, including graduate students, technicians, research associates, etc. If in the course of the research any unusually significant results are obtained, we should like to know about them as they occur. We also request that six reprints of each publication resulting from work done under the grant be sent to us as soon as they become available. An appropriate acknowledgment should be made in each publication; usually a simple footnote is adequate. The Foundation believes that the principal investigator, operating within the policies of his institution, is best qualified to determine the means by which his research may be most effectively conducted. Thus, you are free to spend your grant funds without strict adherence to the original budget estimates. However, we will appreciate being informed of any contemplated major changes in your budget, or in the rate of spending. Should you have any questions about these or other matters, please do not hesitate to write. I wish you success on your research program Sincerely yours, George Lefevre, Jr. Program Director for Genetic Biology Enclosures