i z 2 st May | add one point In connection with the application. This has to do with the responsibilities of the new Genetics Department, and the administra- tive duties It may entédl. First of all, It Is Intended to be a rather smal} group (like Medical Genetics at Wisconsin) with possibly two staff members In addition to myself. The principal orfentation of the department Is, of course, research and the selection of staff will put much stress on the ability of each staff member to understand the overal! research program and perhaps Indirectly contribute in some measure to it. The teaching responsibilities will be quite limited: we have In mind a not very Intehsive program for medical undergraduates which will be Interdigitated with other aspects of the Basic Medical Sciences program. The bulk of our teaching will be in research collaboration with graduate students; to some extent, perhaps, medical students whose primary Interest Is research, and of course with fellows. The responsibility for general genetics teaching remains In the hands of the Blology Department (In which | should add J will hold a courtesy appolntment.) Geerge-- In the circumstances, Including the effletent working plant, adequate secretarial help (which | have not had unt!! recently) and so on, | am looking forward to spending an even larger part of my time In the laboratory than has been the case. (In fact If { had to say so, various meetings and confarences and not least of all committee work like NIH, have been and are likely to be more serfous distractions to my personal participation In research than the ancillary duties of my university position.) | should add finally, that apart from her own research program, Esther's collaboration has been very helpful in maintaining the continutty of my research over those Intervals when | have had to be away. { had a rather heavy backlog of engagements that {| had postponed from my Australian trip last year, so this spring was unusually bad for me.