STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 321-1200 August 17, 1971 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics - Dr. Eli A. Rubinstein Assistant Director for Extramural Programs and Behavioral Sciences National Institute of Mental Health Parklawn Building 5600 Fisher's Lane Rockville, Maryland 20852 Dear Eli, This is to give you an account of our efforts under NIMH contract No, HSM-42-70-44 - "Critical Issues in Mental Health and the Behavioral Sciences". The principal expenditures under this contract during the past ten months, amounting to just over $9,000, have been for a part time library assistant and for additional reference materials intended to help build a more systematic approach to the study of "technopathy", the conflicts ~and—eattentiens in the interphase between scientific and technological development -om—tke-ene—hend—ane eial—needs—and—cxpectations—on—the—~< This help has been very valuable in facilitating the crystallization of my own thoughts on these pervasive problems and I have in the process been accumulating a large file of source materials which will be of continuing value in my future analyses of various problems in this general field. I enclose a number of writings which in tentative form have already appeared, mainly as articles in The Washington Post, but which I am also _ revising to become, eventually, part of a much more comprehensive treatment, Far more important, I have discovered many inherent limitations in attempting to tackle these large questions primarily as an individual endeavor and during the time of the contract have led into a process of more credible scope and multi-disciplinary involvement. This is embodied in a new program on Sctence, Technology and Society which has been established at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences and has now been well launched with substantial support from the National Science Foundation, Enclosed are also some materials describing the program and you will receive more as we reach more conclusive decisions about the style of our operation, In a very real sense the contract has been a support to the planning effort for this innovation at the Center. I must say, of course, that there have also been other important inputs to it from the other participants. Now that a more coherent style of mutual criticism among a group of competent scholars has been established, I am more optimistic about the eventual production of a quality and volume of tangible publications to justify the NIMH'’s investment in the present contract. Alo this is due to expire at the end of this month, it will have reverberations for many . over LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION ~~ MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE Dr. Eli A. Rubinstein -2- years to come, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Enclosures JL/rr 8/17/71