OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY ¢ OFFICE MEMORANDUM e@ STANFORD UNIVERSITY e@ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To FROM SUBJECT: DEC 17 1971 Date: December 10, 1971 Members of the Faculty, Deans, Department Chairmen, and Principal University Officers William F. Massy Vice Provost for Research Review Procedures for the Use of Human Subjects in Research Dear Colleagues: The use of human subjects in research has been a matter of increasing concern in recent years, both within and without the University. For the past approximately five years Stanford has met the need for reviewing proposed research programs through the establishment of two ad hoc committees - one in the Medical School, primarily for projects located there, and one as a function of the School of Humanities and Sciences, for behavioral science research. The President has recently formalized this arrangement through the appointment of a University Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research under the Chairmanship of Professor Robert R. Sears. The attached memorandum, from Professor Sears, describes the function of this committee and also discusses the procedures necessary to obtain committee approval to involve human subjects in research. Please note that all research, regardless of the source of funding, whether by faculty or students, and including graduate student research necessary to the preparation of a dissertation, must receive advance approval of the committee. Also appended is a second memorandum, authored by Professor Sears, which defines the role of the Committee with respect to research involving human subjects conducted within the classroom environment. The Committee has concluded, properly in my view, that such projects are not within its jurisdiction but rather are the responsibility of the individual faculty instructor and his department. We will appreciate your assistance in disseminating this information to all individuals whom it affects. Specific questions concerning the committee's function or review procedures should be directed to Professor Sears or to Mr. Simmons in Research Administration. cc: Research Administration Mailing List é COC Cite 7 LLfErd « / 7 x WNGNVAOWAW 301ddO © ALISHIAINN GYOINVIS © WNONVYOWAW 3DI1ddO e@ ALISUZAINN GYOINVIS © WHaNvyowaw 3314dO © ALISUZAINN QYOINVIS e@