MOREHOUSE COLLEGE ATLANTA. GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF BICLOGY 16 November 1946 Dr. Joshua Led=rberg Osborn Zotanical Laboratory . Yale University Dear Dr. Lederberg: Some time ago I received your request for a reprint of my vaper on Pat- terms in Sexual Reproduction, published in Biodynamice. I regret the delay in replying to your request and assure you thai it was unavoidable. In regard to your request, the Editor of Biodynamica has invited me to expand the paper into a boox on the subject. It is the policy of the journal not to issue reprints in such a case. We considered the matter for several weeks; I hold the view that reprints woulc enhance the success of a oook, but the editorial board holds a different view. Therefore, I cannot deviate and send a reprint, although I would like to do so. I was given four copies of the article «hich you requested. TWo of the copies have been put in the hands of our librarian, Mr. .allace Van Jackson, Atlanta University Library, Atlanta, Ga. If you wiil write to ur. Jacxson, I am sure that you can borrow a copy through interlibrary loan service. Under separate cover, I am sending you copies of reprints now available. In the future, you will receive reprints as soon as they are available. ie- prints of your papers will be greatly appreciated. Please accept my regrets for not being able to send you a reprint of the paper on Sexual Patterns, ith my very best wishes, I am Sincerely, y “ A i S 4 4; 4 Wa Ur fa (oa 4 Ft tof Harold E. Finley “