OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM e¢ STANFORD UNIVERSITY @ OFFICE MEMORANDUM To From SUBJECT: Date: July 23, 1976 Dean Rich Joshua Lederberg Telephone call with Dr. David Rall, NIEHS. * I called Dave Rall, Director of the NIEHS at Research Triangle in connection with the announcement of the Environmental Research Center's program that you had called to my attention. I hardly needed to say three words indicating my interest in developing this area before he responded very enthusiastically and encouragingly. I outlined very quickly a program that would include, to start with the three facets that I think we are prepared to move into quite aggressively and promptly: 1. Sensitive systems for assay of environmental toxicity - mutagenesis etc. 2. Chemical methods for environmental monitoring - computer-managed GC-MS. 3. Policy analysis how to translate laboratory findings into measures of risks, costs and benefits. Dr. Rall said he would send us the existing literature describing the scope of their program, and after we had had a chance to digest it and some further dialogue that he thought it would be very desirable if he and/or some of his senior staff on the grants program were to pay us a visit and help work out the kind of program that might be feasible to get started with. He mentioned that they already have some grants out to SRI, mentioning Gus Friedman there, and I do not know if he has a clear picture of the difference between SRI and Stanford University. If there is any available information on what it is that they are doing, it might be wise for us to know about it. *Dr. David P. Rall, Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, P.O. Box 12233, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709, (919)549-8411, Ext. 3201 WNGNVYOWIW FD1dsO © ALISYZAINN GYOANVIS © WNONVYOW3SW 3d1ddO e@ ALISUTAINN QXOAINVIS @¢© WNANVYOW3W 331340 ©¢ ALISHJAINN GYOINVILS «©