NATIONAL CYSTIC FIBROSIS RESEARCH FOUNDATION 202 EAST 44TH STREET + NEW YORK, N. Y. 10017 - (212) MURRAY HILL 7-0230 OFFICERS MRS. RICHARD M. NIXON, Honorary National Chairman MILTON GRAUB, M.D. President RAYMON H. MULFORD Ist Vice-President HENRY |. BERNBAUM 2nd Vice-President DAVID S. BAKER, JR. Treasurer WELCH H. BOYER Secretary JOHN F. HERNDON, Ph.D. Vice-President for Medica! Affairs Dac ember 1 2 1969 TRUSTEES Grover L. Angel, Ed.D. Sltver Spring, Md. David S. Baker, Jr. New York, W. Y. John J. Baucus Janes ©. Baty Dr. Joshua Lederberg Norman Bere Department of Genetics Henry 1, Bembaum Stanford University Medical Center seRhari, Indiana Stanford, Calif. 94305 Oby T. Brewer, Jr. Atlanta, Ga. i ionenna, Wi, Dear Dr. Lederberg: Wilmington, Dei. B. G. Cremeen, D.D.S. Pater, ela Your letter of November 12, 1969 in which you request permission Robert. Dickinson to use a portion of your grant funds, or an amount not to exceed Paul Etchepare $1,550.00, has been reviewed by the Research Committee. Donatd B. Fletcher Davenport, lowa Give, Texas Although it is the policy of our Foundation to provide support a ladeloble, Pa for personnel and not for equipment and supplies, they agree with reece me that your need is urgent and reasonable » particularly in view layes Meg abn Homer of the current cutback and freeze in federal funds. allas, Texas Minow York Note rk, N.Y. . . o 2 LeRoy W. Matthews, M.D. You therefore have our permission to proceed with expenditures Robert D. MeCraery as outlined in your letter toward the purchase of an inverted Raymon H. Mulford microscope and a controlled atmosphere incubator. John ¢. Mullins Denver, Cola. Robert H. Parrott, M.D. : > 2 2 yest, C, We wish you success in your efforts and will await your progress t. Louls, Mo. i i sober i report with great interest. Jerome J. Vayda San Pedro, Calif. Hartford, Conn. wioetroty ich. Medical-Scientific Director TRUSTEE EMERITUS JFH:amm New Orleans, La. . Howard M, Willis, D.D.S. Sincere ly, HONORARY TRUSTEES F. p L- N. BARRIE, JR. ° y oeprneeton, N. iF ; 7 i —~ bt A eal JOHN A. HILL WILLIAM 6. KERR John F. Herndon, Ph.D. JOHN J, ROSS Kansas City, Mo. GEORGE J. FRANKEL New York, WN. Y. GENERAL MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COUNCIL Chairman LEROY W. MATTHEWS, M.D. f Cleveland, Ohio Vice-Chairman GIDLIO J. BARBERO, M.D. Philadelphia, Pa, Executive Board PAUL A. OI SANT’AGNESE, M.0. VJ Bethesda, Md. | CARL F. DOERSHUK, M.D. Cleveland, Ohio GUNYON M. HARRISON, M.D. Houston, Texas PAUL R. PATTERSON, M.D. Albany, N. Y. HARRY SHWACHMAN, M.D. Boston, Mass, ALEXANDER SPOCK, M.D. Durham, N. C. WILLIAM W. WARING, M.D. New Orleans, La. WARREN J, WARWICK, M.D. Minneapolis, Minn, MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH COUNCIL