UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20545 March 19, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Medical School 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Your comments about your research on radiation resistant bacteria isolated from soil at y -radiation sites and their use in the study of the mechanisms of DNA repair indicated that it is of programmatic interest to the Division of Blology and Medicine. We would welcome an opportunity to look at a proposal for research in this area. As I indicated during our telephone conversation, as a first step, you may wish to submit an informal proposal which outlines the objectives of your program and gives an estimate of the budget. This would be circulated among the technical staff of the Division for their comments. Alternatively, you may wish to submit a formal proposal for our consideration since in my opinion the work is clearly in an area of interest to us. I enclose a guide for the submission of such a proposal and a brochure describing the Division's program. We would be pleased to have you visit headquarters when you are in the Washington area next week. Wednesday, March 26, isa convenient time for me but several other members of the Biology Branch will not return from a site visit until the next day. I realize you probably have a tight schedule, but if you have an opportunity to come out, please call me. We can arrange the visit at your convenience and we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your program with you. Sincerely, Geneticist, Biology Branch Division of Biology and Medicine Enclosures: As stated