55. 56. 57, 58, Woods, Roy and Herzenbera, Leonard A. Specificities common to mouse IgG and IgA molecules. (In preparation). Lanzerotti, Richard M. and Herzenberg, Leonard A, Population of antibodies recognizing distinct allotypic specificities in mouse immunoalobulin. V. - (In preparation). Herzenbera, Leonard A., Pernis, B., and Kelus, A.S. A second locus controlling rebbit heavy chain allotypes on the Fd fragment of a second-class of immunoglobulin. (In preparation). Herzenberg, Leonard A., Carbonara, A., Tosi, Res and Pernis, B. Comparison of a locus allotypic specificities, in IgG, IgA, and IgM in the rabbit. P~ 20! — -f O- nating Geetha sare tet nO aD tat etMane Nite oa cp 2, Beparias ant ae Pre oboe “ } - Se ee ete feateted sO ce PD te ee | NAME TITLE BINTHOATE Wa, cur, ree | H. Russell Hulett Research Associate May 5, .1926 PLACE OF DIATH (Cety, State, Country} PRESENT NATIONALITY Uf nen-U.S crtteun, SEK indicate kind of visa and expiration date} Nespelem, Washington U.S. . Sry Mate Pl Eemse EDUCATION (Begin with baccalauresio traimng and inctuda pasidoctorai) : INSTITUTION ANO LOCATION “¢ YEAR SCIENTIFIC DEGREE CONFERREO FIELO . - ' Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. B.S. 1941 a Oregon State College, Corvallis, Ore. M.S. 1942 ~ Stanford University, Stanford, Cal. Ph.D. 1964 Chemistry , . | KONORS Meémpersnip ins Phi Lambda Upsilon . m Pi Mu Upsilon + | Sigma Xi . MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT ft Instrumentation development, investigzac. Biomedical instrumentation, origin of life. | te 1 : of svecific cell sevarations, evalus - RESEARCH SUPPORT (See sasiructuons) N/A RESEARCH ANDAOA PAODFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, Ext sca'2ng eng expenence rerevant to area Sharojesse biz Or most representative sudlcations Oo not exceed 2 pages for each indiwidual.} 1966 - present: Research Associate, Stanford University 1964 ~ 1968: Associate Professor, Head,Department of Chemistry, College of Notre can 1965 ~ 1966: Department Head, Itek Corporation . . 1959 ~ 1964: Researcn Director, Advanced Technology Labs 1957 ~- 1959: Subsystem Manager, Lockheed 1952 - 1957: Electronics Department Eead, Detroit Controls 1951 = 1952: Electronics Department Head, Santa Barbara Research 1946 - 1951: Eleccronic Engineer, Hughes Aircraft 1942 - 1946:- U. S. Arny ; . Publications: (selected ~~ since 1965) Hulett, H. R. and H. S: Loring. "Reactions of metals with tobacco mosaic virus." Federation Proceedings. 23:1943 (1965) Hulett, H. R. and H. S. Loring. "Effect of particle length distribution on infec- tivity of tobacco mosaic virus." Virology 25:418 (1965) Hulett, H. R. "Turbulence limitations in photographic resolution of planet ‘surfaces."" J. Opt. Soc. Am. 57:1335 (1967) . Ehrlich, P. and H. R. Hulett. “Living on capital.” New Scientist 38:426 Hulett, H. 2. "Limitations on prebiolozical synthesis." J. Theor. Biol. --: Huletc, H. R., Bonner, W. A., Barrett, J. and L. A. Herzenberg. "Cell sarc automated separation of mammalian cells as a function of intracellular fluorescence." Science 166: 747-749 (1969) BHS-J98 5 flev. 3-70 : page . P-2O% DO NOT TYPE IN THIS SPACE-BINDING MARGIN Hulett, H. R. “Optimum world population." Bioscience. 20:160 (1970) Hulett, H. R. "Non-enzymatic hydrolysis of adenosine phosphates." Nature 225:1248 (1970 : . | | | Hulett, H.°R., Coukell, A., and W. Bodmer. "Tissue typing instrumentation using the fluorochromatic cytotoxicity assay." Transplantation 10:135 (1970). Hulett, H. R. and L. A. Herzenberg. "Approaches to prescreening with special consideration of flow systems." Acta Cytologica (in press) Hulett, H. R. and L. A. Herzenberg, W. Bonner and R. L. Wolf. "Rapid cell sorter -- a néw tool for cell study with clinical appliations.” Laboratory Investigations 22:501 (19.70). Hulett, H. R. “Shock-synthesis of amino acids in simulated primitive atmosphere." Science 170#1000 (1970). Letter to the Editor. Seven patents on electro-optical devices and instrumentation Publications after 1970: Merrill, J. T., N. Veizades, H. R. Hulett, P. L. Wolf and L. A. Herzenberg. "An Improved Cell Volume Analyzer" Rev. Sci. Instr. 42, No. 8, 1157-1163 (1971). Bonner, W. A., H. R. Hulett, R. G. Sweet, and L. A. Herzenberg. "Pluorescent Cell Sorting" Rev. Sci. Instr. 43, 404 (1972). Hulett, H. R., R. G. Sweet, L. A. Herzenberg. ‘Development and Ap- lication of Rapid Cell Sorter," to-be presented at 0.R.N.L. symposium on Advanced Analytical Methods for the Clinical Laboratory, Mar. 15, 1973 (and later published in Clinical Chemistry.) Hulett, H. R. "Formaldehyde and Ammonia as Precursors to Prebiotic Amino Acids. Science 174, 1038, 1971. . Poge 15 STuscro 1070 - 79 P-203. — — : ; — - = 34 ’ TT ci. a we Le € BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Cenatinant of 2 cae {Give the following information for all profectian2! rorsannel listed on p2ge 3, beginning with the Principal’ Investiqat of, Use continuation pozes and foilaw the same general format for each person.) NAME TITLE . BIRTHDATE (ito., Day, Yr) John D. Johnson Assistant Professor September 14, .1932 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY if non-U.S, citizen, SEX —_ indicate kind of visa end expiration date) ; Palo Alto, California . U.S.A. KXwate Clremie EDUCATION (Begin with baccataurcate training and include postdoctoral} YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERAED FIELD Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind. B.A. 1960 _Zoology :: Stanford Medical School, Stanford, Calif.| M.D. } 1965 _ Medicine Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. ' 1965-67 Pediatries,2 yea Stanford Medical School, Stanford, Calif. . 1970 Post-Doctoral Fe . erry 2: warres = PUVCNUPe <7 . HONORS Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Omega Alpha, Borden Award for Undergraduate Research (Stanford Medical School) MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST . ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Developmental Biochemistry, bilirubin metabolisn Investigator RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) United Cerebral Palsy Associations, Inc. Grant R-245-71, Developmental Aspects of Heme Protein Catabolism ~ Current $28,772. July 1, 1971 to June 30, 1973 Total $53,322. RESEARCH ANO/OR PR: FESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Stertinag with present position, list training and experience relevant to erea Ghprojscs Liste or most representative publications, Do not excced 3 peges far cech individvel.} -- 1971 to present - Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford University 1971 to present - Assistant Director of Newborn Service, Stanford University 1970 - Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Pediatrics, Stanfora University 1967 -- 1969 - Research Associate, NICHD - 1960 - 1963 ~ Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University Publications Johnson, J.D., Hurwitz, R., and Kretchmer, N.: Utilization of fat and glycerol for glycogenesis by the neonatal rat. J. Nutrition, 101, 299, 1971. Johnson, J.D., Jant, B.A., Kaufman, S., and Sokoloff, L.: Effect of tonic strength on the RNA polynezase activities of isolated nuclei and nucleoli of rat liver. Arch, Biochem. Biophys., 142, 489, 1971. Johnson, J.D., Christiansen, R.O., and Kretchmer, N.: Lactose synthetase in ma gland of the California Sea Lion. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 47, 393, 1972. Johnson, J.D., Albritton, W.L., and Sunshine, P.: Hyperammonemia accompanying parenterc nutrition in newborn infants. J. Pediatrics @1, 154, 1972. Johnson, J.D.: Neutrel hetero: --galactosidase fren the small intestine of the rabbit. Submitted for publication to Biochim. Biophys. Acta. P~20Y RHS.-2 few re x a SECTION I! — PRIVILEGED COMMU NICATION Denenm et ae tine BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on p2ge 3, beginning with the Principal Investigator. Use continuation p2ges and follavs the same generel format for cach person.} NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE [ifc., Day, Yr) Assistant Professor of April 27, 1939 Judith P. Koehler, M.D. Neurology and Pediatrics P ; PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country] PRESENT NATIONALITY f/f non-U.S citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date, New York, New York piration date] U.S. Citizen CD Mate KI] Femste EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training and include postdoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD - Mount Holyoke College A.B. 1960 Dartmouth Medical School ‘B.M.S. . 1962 University of Pennsylvania M.D. 1966 HONORS American Academy of Neurology (Junior Member) MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Pediatr.- Neurology RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevant to area of project Lista. or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) 1966-1967 Intern, Mixed Pediatrics, Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center, Bronx, N.Y. 1967-1968 Junior Resident, Neurology, Albert Einstein College Hospital and Bronx Municipal Eos 1968-1970 Senior Resident, Neurology, Albert Einstein College Hosp. and Bronx Municipal / Hospital Center, New York. 1969-1971 Postdoctoral Fellow, Anatomy, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Univ., %. 1971-1972 Fellow in Pediatric Neurology, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, N.Y. 1972- Assistant Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics, Stanford Medical Center. Publications (selected): Koehler, J.P., Lovelace, R.E., Spiro, A.J.: Basement membrane and capillary endothelial altara- tions in hypokalemic periodic paralysis: an electron microscopic study. (Abstract) Presente< at the American Association of Neuropathologists, 47th Annual Meeting, June 1971. Koehler, J.P., Spiro, A.J., Lovelace, R.E.: I. Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis: light and electre microscopic observations of nerve and muscle. (In preparation). Koehler, J.P. and Chuzorian, A.: Tissue culture of medulloblastoma cells from spinal fluid, a useful diagnostic technique. “tn preparation). : Spiro, A.J., Koehler, J.P., Taylor,.J.M.: Oculopharyngeal dystrophy: ultrastructural and histc- chemical observations of skeletal muscle. (Abstract) Presented at the American Associatio: of Neuropathologists, June 1972. Koehler, J.P., Duffy, P.E., Carter, S. (1973) Selective type I fiber atrophy in childhood neuropathy: light and electron microscopic observations of peripheral nerve, Schwann cells, neuromuscular junction, and muscle. (In preparation). RHS-398 ae Rev. 3-70 . fe 20> BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH wes (Give the foliowing information for ail profecsionst persennel listed on pve 3, beginning vith the Principal in YSHtOn Use continuation pages eng follew the sime general format for each person.) a eretehmer oe Harold kK. Faber Professor CIRTHOATE (:2,, Coy, Ye). of Pediatrics January 20,.1923 PLACE OF GIHTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-US citizen, SEX : York N y . indicate kind of visa and expiration date} ow nes U.S.A. §:] Mate C) Ferme EDUCATION (Begin wita beecelaureate trainins and include pesidoctoral) YEAR SCIENTIFI INSTITUTION AND LOCATION | DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD c | Cornell University ; . B.S. 1944 Anim al Phys iolocs University of Minnesota ; M.S. 1945 Physiological Chen. University of Minnesota | . ‘| Ph.D. 1947 Physiological Cher. Downstate Medical Center, State Univ. of LD. 1952 HOWORS Commonwealth ‘Fund Fellow, 1952,57,65 President, Int. Organ. Stucy Human Deveis -Mead Johnson Award, 1958; ment, 1969; President, Soc.Ped.Res., i962: - Borden Award, 1969 Council, Amer. Soc. Clin. Invest., 1964-5: - Alumni Medallion SUNY, 1969. MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Investigator RESEARCH CUGPORT (Sze insirectians) RR 81 - Clinical Research Center for Premature Infants, 10/1/69- 9/30/74 Amount current year: 418,532 - Total amount: 2,021.3C0- (5%) renewal fending HD 02147 - Biochemical Studies of Developzent, 6/1/66- 5/30/73, Amount current year: 206,593 - Total amount: 1,309,278- (15%) renew pendin:. CRBS 252 - National Foundation ~ Cellular and} Molecular Determinants of aller Aaa A Amount current year: $27,273 - Total amount: 54,546 (7/1/71-6/30/73)- (25%) - HD 00049 -' Human Development and Pediatrics Training Grant, 7/1/70-6/30/74, Amount current year: $90,588 - Total amount: 448,936.- (10%)reneval pending (Please see continuation on attached sheet) RESEARCH ANOJOR PROFESSIONAL CXFE RIENCE (Sterling wit presert position, st training anu eaperiense relevent ta arca of project List or most representative pubucations, Da net exceed 3 payes lor exch individual) 1971 to present - Harold kK. Faber Professor of Pediatrics 1969.-.1972. .~ Chairman, Program-in Euman Biology (Baccalaureate Prog., Stanford Uri 1959 - 1969 - Professor and Executive Hcad, Pediatrics 1953 - 1959 - Assistant then Associate Professor, Dept. of Peds, Cornell Uriv. ~ 4 New York Fospital 1950 ~.1955 - Lecturer, Department of Biology, Brooklyn College - 1948 - 1952 ~- Research Associate, Dept. of Pathol., State Univ. of New York 1947 - 1948 - Assistant Professor, Departments of Pathology and Biocheristry, Univ. of Vermont, From 1952 - Various clinical appointments fron Intern to Pediatrician-in-Chief Publications (Six relevant publications are listed from a total of 101) os Kretchner, N.: Lactose and lactase: A historical perspective. Gastrceenterolosy sl EO 1971, Levine, R.L., Hoogenraad, N.J., and Kretchmer, N.: Regulation of activity of carb anyl- phosphate synthetase from mouse spleen. Biochemistry 10:3694, 1971 Lebenthal, F., Sunshine, P., and Kretchmer, N.: Effect of carbohyrate and corticosteroids on activity of d-glucosidases in ircesrine of the . ‘ infant rat. J. Clin. Invest. 51:1244, 1972. Kretchmer, N., Ransome-Kuti, 0., Hurwitz, R., Dungy, C., and Alakija, W.: Intestinal absorption of Jactose in Nigerian ethnic groups. The Lancet 2:392, 1971. Biographical Sketch of Dr. Norman Kretchmer Page Two Research Support, continued HD 00391 - Regulation of enzyme ‘action during development, 9/1/68-8/31/73 . ‘Amount current year: 42,289 - total amount: 183,822 (15%) Publications, continued Weichsel, M.E., Jr., Hoogenraad, N.J., Levine, R.L., and Kretchmer, N. Pyrimidine biosynthesis during development of rat cerebellum Pediatric Res. 6:682, 1972. Johnson, J.D., Christiansen, R.O., and Kretchmer, N. Lactose synthetase in mammary gland of the California sea lion. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 47:393, 1972. Note: Renewal of HD-02147 is pending. This present renewal application, HD 00391, in part overlaps with sone material included in HD-02147, SECTION PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION . Tacertmant ab Aeneas APPLICATION NUMER (fesce blank; ' BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following informotion for each KEY professional staff member, whether or nat salary is requested. Begin with the Progrom Director.) NAME (Last, first, initial) tEProfessor of Pediatrics and BIRTHOATE (.My., Dap. Yr.) . : Community & Preventive Medicine 9/6/14 Luigi Luzzatti, M.D. Sex PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (If non-US. citizen, indicate MR mate —- 7) Female visa symbol) SOC. SEC. NO. Rome, Italy U.S. Citizen §70-42-7539 RELATIONSHIP TO PROPOSED PROGRAM Investigator EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate training aud include postdoctoral) ORGANIZATION ANO LOCATION DEGREE YEAR DISCIPUNE CONFERRED University of Minnesota, Mpls, Minn. M.S. [1942 University of Minnesota, Mpls, Minn. M.D. $1943 % HONORS MAJOR RESARCH OR PROFESSIONAL INTEREST 1 lf applicuble) Congenital Defects and Cytogenetics UST RECENT RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS Miles, C.P., Luzzatti, L., Storey, S. and Peterson, C.D.: A male pseudo- hermaphrodite with a probable XO/XY¥ mosaicism. Lancet, Sept. l, 1962, 455. Luzzatti, L.: Failure to thrive - a diagnostic approach. Postgrad. Med. 35:270-8, March 1964. Peterson, C.D. and Luzzatti, L.: The role of chromosome translocation in the recurrence risk of Down's syndrome. Pediat. 35:463-9,-March 1965. 4 Weichsel, M.E., Jr., and Luzzatti, L.: Trisomy 17-18 syndrome with congenital extrahepa biliary atresia and congenital amputation of the left foot. J. Ped, 67:324-7, Aug. PROFESSIONAL AND/OR RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (Start with present position und list recent significant experience relevant to program } (pub lications cont. 2 3 1972- Professor of Pediatrics & Community and Preventive Medicine 1967- Director, Birth Defects Center, Stanford Univ. School of Medicine 1963- Director, Cytogenetic Lab., Stanford Univ. School of Medicine 1957-72 Associate Prof. of Pédiatrics and Preventive Medicine, Stanford Univ. Sch. of ™q 1955-67 Director, Pediatric Outpatient Dept., Stanford Univ. School of Medicine 1954-57 Assistant Prof. of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine, Stanford Univ. Sch. of =. 1953-54 Director of Cerebral Palsy Training Program, Children's Hospital of San Francisco PHS 2499-1 PAGE Rev. 3-70 U.8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1970 OF - 366-486 — PI, wire. Bopercicnt af Seon ts Publications (continued) Craig, A., and Luzzatti, L.: Translocation in De Lange's syndrome? Lancet 2:445-6, August 1965. Craig, A., and Luzzatti L.: Translocation in trisomy D syndrome. A case of probable D/18 translocation. J. Pediat. 70:264-9, Feb. 1967. Greenstein, R.M., Harris, D.J., Luzzatti, L. and Cann, H.M.: Cytogenetic analysis of a boy with the XXXY syndrome: origin of the X-chromosomes. Pediatrics, 45:677-686, April 1970. Knight, L., Sakaguchi, S., and Luzzatti, L.: Unusual mechanism of transmission of a chromosome translocation from mother to offspring. American J. Dis. of Children 121:162-167. Feb. 1971. Knight, L., and Luzzatti, L.: Replication patterns of X & Y chromosomes in partially synchronized human lymphocyte cultures. Chromosoma, Vol. 40, 153-166, 1973. P-209 Licereeeee eS slots . Dole ge a Le tt WIP LE Pale eG aire. Us2 continust:o¢ 3itss 27d! Poifaey oss ome seneral format for 2eac4 geren.; NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE f’2., Cay, rr.) Wilfred E, PEREIRA Research Associate June 23 1976 PLACE OF BIATH (City, Stace, County] PRESENT NATIONALITY UF non-US. citizen, SEX iagicete kind o visz and exsirauon date} . ndian, Permanent Resident Madras, S. India Irmierant Vise Eel Male C2 femare EDUCATION (Sern etn baecalaure3it2 training eng intiudes costdector2"} YEAS SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD Madras Medical College, Madras, India | B. Pharm 1960 Pharmaceuticea. Chenistry Saugar Univ, Madhya Pradesh, India. M. Pharm. 1962 Pharm. Chem & Chem of Nat U.C. Med. Center, San Francisco, Calif | Ph.D. 1968 Pharm. Chem & Pharmactolos HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Identification of Metabolites & drug metabolites in Bzrolosical fluids ‘Organic chemist RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instrecuans) RESEARCH ANO.CR FFCFESSIONAL EXPERIENC Ig7tIP vith Orzeen: rosiWon, tise teaming and expererce rerivant io area Qforsj;es. Ut se ormos represen iaive Bes ieauors, Ga not exces 352 res! for 2307 re ee 1905 - 1970 Fost Ceetoral Felicw, cept. of Genetics Stanford Universit Med. School 1970 = oresent Research Asscciate sare insticution - During these four years I have teen involved with reptide synthesis, amino acic analysis and synthetic Organi ¢ chemistry. I heired develop methods for the separation of diasterioisomers ty cas chromatoerazhy and nav been involved with the routine us ‘eas chromatography sass spectrometry for the entification of urinary metabolite and patholosical urine and serum sanples. Ky pplications of mass spectrometry h included the deveciprment of mass frasmentosraphy for the determination of the air a contents of soil and xkxxxxx serum. ‘My present project involves the screenings of urine from leukemic patients for atnormal metabolites and to investigate the metabolic fate of anti-leukemic chemotheropeutic egents in the body. PUBLICATION 1. Transesterificeation with an Anion-exchange Resin; W. Pereira, V. Close, W. Patton and B. Halpern, J. Org. Chen. 34:2032 (1 959). Bir p A 7 2. Alcoholysis of the Merrifield-type Peptide-polymer Bond with an Anion Exchange Resin; W. Pereira, V. A. Close, E. Jellun, W,. Patton and 3. Halpern, Australian J. of Chem, 22:1337 (1909). hess Rev, 3-70 3. h, Se 6. Te 8. 9. 10. The Action of Mitrosyl Cnlorice cn Faenylalanine Peptides; W. Patton, ©. Jellum, D. Nitecni, W. Pereira and B, Halpern, ‘Australian J. of Chem. 22:2709 (1969). Abnormal Circular Dichroism of 4 -Amino Acid Esters; J. Cynerman Craig and W. E. Pereira, Tet. Let. 18:1563 (1970). The Use of (+)-2,22-Trifluoro-l-Phenvlethylhydrazine in the Optical Analysis of Asymmetric Ketones ty Gas Chromatography; W. E. Pereira, M. Solomon and 8. Halpern, Australian J. of Chem.24:1103 (1971). The Microsomal Oxygenation of Ethyl Benzene. Isotopic, Stereochenical, and Induction Studies; R. E, McMahon, H. R. Sullivan, J. Cymerman Craig end W. E. Pereira, Arch, Biochen. Biophys. 132:575 (1969). The Steric Analysis of Alirhatic Amines with Two Asymmetric Centers by Gas-liauid Chromatography of Diastereoiscreric Andes. W. E. Pereira and 3. Ealrern, Australian J. Chen. 25:667 (1972). Optical Rotatory Disrersion and Absolute Configuration -XVII, QA-Alkylvhenylacetic Acids; J, Cymerran Craiz, W. £. Pereira, B. Halpern and J. W. Westley, Tetrahedron 27:1173 (1972). The Optical Rotary Disrersion and Cire dar Dichroism of A-Amino and A-Hydroxy Acics; J. Cymerzmen Craig end W. E. Pereira Tetrahedron 26:3457 (1970) . - The Determination of Cyclohexylamine in Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Cyclerate by Electron-capture Cas Chromatography; M. D. Solozon, W. 2. Pereira and A. M. Duffield, Anal, Let. 4:301 (1971), Pr2l 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. iT. 18. 19. 20. Chlorination Studies. I. The Reaction of Aqueous Hypochlorous Acid with Cytosines accn W. Patton, V. Brown, A. M. Duffield, B. Halpern, Y. Hoyano, W. Pereira and J. Lederberg, Biochem, Biophys. Res. Commun, 48:880 (1972). The Use of R-(+)~-1-Phenylethylisocyanate in the Optical Analysis of Asymmetric Secondary Alcohols by Gas Chromatography; W. Pereira, V. A. Bacon, W. Patton, B. Halpern, and G. E. Pollock, Anal. Let. 3:23 (1970). A Rapid and Quantitative Gas Chromatographic Analysis for Phenylelenine in Serum; B,. Halpern, W. ©. Pereira, M. D. Solomon and E, Steed, Anal, Biochem. 39:156 (1971). Electron-irpact Promoted Fragmentation of Alkyl-"~(1-Phenylethyl)- Carbamates of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols; W. E. Pereira, B. Halpern, M. D. Solomon and A. M. Duffield, Org. Mass Spectrometry 5:157 (197%). Peptide Ses quencing by Low Resolution Mass Spectrometry} V. Bacon, £. Jellun, W. Patton, Ww. Fereira end B, Halpern, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 37:878 (1969). A Ges Liquid Chromatographic Method for the Determination of Phenylalanine in Serur; E, Jellun, V. A. Close, W. Patton, W. Pereira and B. Halpern, Anal. Biochen, 31:227 (1959), Quantitetive Determination of Biologically Inportant Thiols and Disulfides by Gas Liquid CHrOTATOgTEPhy 4 E. Jellun, W. Patton, V. A. Bacon, We E. Pereira and B. Halpern, Anal. Biochem. 31;339 (1969). - A Study of the Electron Inpact-prezoted Frasmentation of Pree ezine Sulfoxide and Prozazine Using Specifically Deuterated Analogues; M. D. Solomen, 2. Sumzons, W, Pereira end A. M. Duffield, pr Australian J. Chem. (1973, in ess). The Determination of Phenylelenine in Serum by Mass Fraczentography; W. Pereira, V. A. Bacon, Y. Eoyano, R. Sumrons and A. M. Duffield, Clin, Biochem. (In press). Chlorination Studies II. The Reaction of Aqueous Hypochlorous Acid with %-Amino Acids and Direptices; W. E. Pereira, Y. Hoyano, R. Summons, V. A. Bacon and A. M. Duffield, Biochem. et Biophys. Acte (In press), r , (126) "| SECTION I! — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH {Give the following information for al! professional personnel listed on pege 2, beginning with the Principel Investigetor. Use continuation peges and follow the same general format for eech perton.} NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Ma,, Dey, Yr.) Thomas C. Rindfleisch Research Associate , 12-10-41 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-U.S, citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA USA 4 Male) Femete EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureste training and include postdoctoral] YEAA SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION ANO LOCATION DEGREE CONFEARED FIELD Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. B.S 1962 Physics California Institute of Technology, M.S 1965 Physics Pasadena, CA Ph.D Thesis to bq completed. All course work iand examinations completed. HONORS : Purdue University, Graduated with Highest Honors, Sigma Xi. MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSEO PROJECT Space sciences, computer science and image processing Technical Support UPPORT (See instructions) RESEARCH ANO/OR PROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training end experience relevant to area of project. List all or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) . 1971-Present Stanford University Medical School, Department of Genetics, Stanford, CA. Research Associate ~ Mass Spectrometry, Instrumentation research. 1962-1971 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, , Pasadena, CA. Relevant Experience: 1969-1971: Supervisor of Image Processing Development and Applications Group. 1968-1969: Mariner Mars 1969 Cognizant Engineer for Image Processing 1962-1968: Engineer - design and implement image processing computer software. 1. Rindfleisch, T. and Willingham, D., "A Figure of Merit Measuring Picture Resolution,'' JPL Technical Report 32-666, September 1, 1965. 2. Rindfleisch, T. and Willingham, D., “A Figure of Merit Measuring Picture Resolution," Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Volume 22A, Photo-Electronic Image Devices, Academic Press, 1966. , RHE . P-2/3 Thomas C. Rindfleisch PUBLICATIONS (cont'd) 3. Rindfleisch, T., "A Photometric Method for Deriving Lunar Topographic Information," JPL Technical Report 32-786, September 15, 1965. 4. Rindfleisch, T., "Photometric Method for Lunar Topography," Photo- grammetric Engineering, March 1966. 5. Rindfleisch, T., "Generalizations and Limitations of Photoclinometry," JPL Space Science Summary Volume III, 1967. ' 6. Rindfleisch, T., "The Digital Removal of Noise from Imagery," JPL Space Science Summary 37-62 Volume III, 1970. 7. Rindfleisch, T., "Digital Image Processing for the Rectification of Television Camera Distortions," Astronomical Use of Television-Type Image Sensors, NASA Special Publication SP-256, 1971. 8. Rindfleisch, T., Dunne, J., Frieden, H., Stromberg, W., and Ruiz, R., "Digital Processing of the Mariner 6 and 7 Pictures,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 76, Number 2, January 1971. 9, Rindfleisch, T., "Digital Image Processing," To be published, IEEE Special Issue, July 1972. ' P-21y4 Prof. §. Le2ertorg SECTION Il — PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION . Cepartment cf Ceretic: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH {Give the following information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Principal Investigater. Use continuation p2ycs and foilovs the same general format for each person, ) NAME TITLE : BIRTHDATE (740., Bay, ¥r) Professor and Chairman Schulman, Irving Department of Pediatrics 2/17/22 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESEWT NATIONALITY (/f non-U.S. citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa end expiration date} New York City, New York U.S.A. mate Ci Femate EDUCATION (Begin with beccelaureate training and includ: postdoctoral} ' - YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION ; DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD New York University, New York ° New York University College of Medicine, B.A. 1942 New York M.D. 1945 HONORS Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Omega Alpha Mead Johnson Award for Pediatric Research, 1960 President, Society for Pediatric Research, 1966 MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST HOLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Coagulation physiology, Hemorrhagic dis- eases RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) See next’ page RESEARCH AND/UR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevant to area of project: List aii or most representative publications, Oo not exceed 3 pages for each individual.) Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Pediatrics, Stanford University- 1972 Professor aad Head, Dept. of Pediatrics, University of Illinois - 1961 - 1972 Professor of Pediatrics, Northwestern University - 1958-1961 Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Cornell University - 1956-1958 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Cornell University - 1952-1956 USPHS Post-Doctoral Fellow in Pediatrics, Cornell University -~ 1950-1952 Resident in Pediatrics, Bellevue Hospital -1948-1950 Military Service ~ 1946-1948 — Intern, Queens General Hospital, New York City - 1945-1946 P-2is- Pref, 3. Lezerbers Lepertrcnt cf Sere oc Privileged Communication - Irving Schulman, M. D. Biographical Sketch (continued) Research Support HD-00568~12 HD-07300-01 TI-AN-05344 Hemostasis and Hemorrhagic Disease in Children Principal Investigator 20% time Project period 1/1/70 - 12/31/72 Total Funds ; (Direct) $122,993 Current Year (Direct) $ 15,814 1/1/72 - 5/31/72 University of Illinois eoccan $27,426 6/1/72 ~- 8/31/72 Stanford University Training Grant in Pediatric Hematology Program Director 20% time Period 7/1/67 - 6/30/72 Total Funds $263,465 Current Year $ 54,458 *Training grant renewed at University of Illinois for five years effective 7/1/72 ($332,600)- application for new training grant in Pediatric Hematology has been submitted from Stanford University. P-2tb Prof. J. Lentz Privileged Comunication - Irving Schulman, M. D. Depariieni of Cinesct 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. ll. Representative Bibliography Irving Schulman, N.D. (Past 5 Years) Abildgaard, C.F., Corrigan, J.J., Seeler, R.A., Simone, j.V., and Schulman, I.: Meningoccemia associated with intravascular coagulation. Pediatrics 40:78, 1968 Johnson, C.A., Abildgaard; C.F., and Schulman, I.: Coagulation studies in children with cyanotic congenital heart disease. Lancet 2:660, 1968 Seeler, R.A., Forman, E.N., Bolger, J.F., Abildgaard, C.F., and Schulman, I.: Induction of intravascular coagulation and renal cortical necrosis in rabbits by simultaneous injection of thorotrast and endotoxin. Brit. J. Haemat. 16:501, 1969. Forman, E.N., Abildgaard, C.F., Bolger, J.F., Johnson, C.A., and Schulinen,I.: Generalized Shwartzmen reaction: Role of the granulocyte in intravascular coagulation and renal cortical xecrosis. Brit. J. Haermat. 16:507, 1969. Honig, G.R., Forman, E.N., Johnson, C.A., Seeler, R.A., Abildgaard, C.F., and Schulman, I.: Administration of single doses of AHF (Factor Vil) concentrates in the treattient of hemophilic hemarthroses. Pediatrics 43:26, 1969. Honig, G.R., Abildgaard, C. F., Forman, E.N., Gotoff, S.P., Lindley, A., and Schulnan, I.: Some properties of the anticoagulant factor oF eased pooled plasma. Thrombosis et Diathesis Haemorrhagic 22:151, 1969. Schulman, I., Abildgaard, C. F., Johnson, C. A. and Lindley, A.t Imune- suppressive therapy in the management of acquired inhibitors of Factor VIIi in hemophilia. Hemophilia and New Hemorrhagic States (Brirlkhous, editer), New York, The University of North Carolina Press, 1970, p.164. Johnson, C.A., Abildgaard, C.F., and Schulnan, T.: Functional studies of young versus old platelets in a patient with chronic thrombocytopenia. Blood 37:163, 1971. - N, x Corby, D.G., Zirbel, C.L., and Schulman, I.: Thrombasthenia. Am. J. Dis. Child. 121:40, 1971. Corby, D.G., Zirbel, C.L., Gibson,M.S., and Schulnan,I.: Effects of antenatal drug administration on platelet function of newborn infants. J. Ped. 79:307, 1971. Corby, D.G., and Schulman, I.: Effect of bilirubin on unwashed platelets in experimental hyperbilirubinemia. J.Ped. (in press). P-217 SECTION If — PRIVILEGZD COMMUNICATION Frf 5 Beet! a) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH liinten (Give the foliowing information for all professional personnel listed on page 3, beginning with the Princizal Investiciion Use Continuation pages and fallow the same general format for each person] NAME TITLE < BIKTRDATE [..'3, co. Herbert C. Schwartz Professor of Pediatrics May 8, 1925 PLACE OF BIATH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (if ron-U.S. citizen, SEX ; indicate kind of visa and expiration date) New Haven, Connecticut U.S.A. mo Mola _ EDUCATION (8coin with beccelaureate training and include postdoctoral) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION YEAR DEGREE CONFERRED Alma College, Alma, Michigan Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut A.B.” 1948 Psychology-Chen. - State University of New York, Brooklyn M.D. 1952 HONORS ~ John and Mary Markle Scholar in Academic Meeicine (1962); Visiting Prof. State Univ. Netherlands (1967); SOCIETTES: Society for Pediatric Research (1961); American Scc.. Clinical Invesgigation (1962); American Pediatric Society (1967), etc. MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Hemoglobin Structure and Synthesis Investigator RESEARCH SUPPORT (Se instructions} U.S.P.H.S. Grant POl AM 12467-10, Forration of Hemoglobin and Other Hemeproteins «pe pee June 1, 1968, to May 31, 1973. Current year $28,866. Total (Years 6-10) $145,235. . RESEARCH AND/GR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevent to rea cf o-2t OF mast representaive publication. Oe not exceed 3 goges for esch individual.) 1968 - 1971 Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford University 1969 - 1971 Chairman, Department cf Pediatrics, Stanford University 1963 ~ 1968 Associate Profesecr cof Pediatrics, Stanford Unversity 1960 - 1963. Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford University 1958 =.1950 Research Instructor in Medicine, University of Utah 1957 - 1958 Research Fellow in Biochewistry, University of Utah 1955 - 1957 Research Fellow in Medicine ( Hematology ), University of Utah “. Publications (Selected from a total of 19.) Schwartz, H.C., Cartwright, G.E., Smith, E.L., and Wintrobe, M.M.: Studies on the thesis of Heme from Iron and Proteporphyrin, Blood 14:456, 1959. Hill, R.L., Swenson, R.T., and Schwartz, H.C.: Characterization of a Chenical Ar in Heroglobin G. J. Biol. Chom, 235:3182, 1960. Gribble, T.J., and Schwartz, H.C.: Effect of Protoporphyrin on Hemoglobin Synih.c:. chem. Biophys. Acta. 103:333, 1965. Dallmwan, F.R. and Schwertz, WC. Myoglobin and Cytochrome Response during Rests Deficiency in the kac. J. Clin. Invest. 44:1631, 1265. Walters, T.R., Welland, F.H., Gribble, T.J.,-and Schwartz, H.C.: Biosynthesis >: Leukemic Leukocytes, Cancer 20:117, 1967. Lincoln, D., Edmunds, D.d., Gritble, T.J.,and Schwartz, H.C.: * blcod..da- press,.Jannary.,—12 13). ee cee ; on fern: Pinnined Roveeto e ~ Prof, J. Lecerterg CURRICULUM VITAE Eric M. Shooter Born: April 18, 1924 Mansfield, Nottingham, England. Married: Elaine Arnold (Born Dec. 22, 1924) Newhall, Burton-on-Trent. Children: Annette (Born Nov. 18, 1956) Redhill, Surrey, England. Permanent Address: Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 1942-45 Natural Sciences Tripos (Part II in Chemistry) University of Cambridge 1942 Exhibitioner of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge 1943 Minor Scholar of same. 1945 B.A. (Cantab.) 1945-46 Research under Professor Sir ‘Eric Rideal in the Department of 1946-49 C-lloid Science, Cambridge and the Davy Faraday Laboratory of the Royal Institution, London (Proteins of the ground nut). 1949 M.A. (Cantab.) . 1950 Ph.D. (Cantab.) 1949-50 Postdoctoral Fellowship with Dr. J. W. Williams, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and partly with Dr. D. E. Green, Enzyme Institute, University of Wisconsin. (Enzymes of the electron transport system). 1950-53 Senior Scientist in charge of Biochemistry, Brewing Industry Research Foundation, Nutfield (Proteins and enzymes of barley and other brewing materials). 1953-63 Lecturer in Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, University ‘College, London with Professor Ernest Baldwin. (Molecular biology of normal and abnormal haemoglobins; protein-ion inter- actions of ribonuclease). = 1961-62 U.S.P.H.S. International Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine, with Professor R. L. Baldwin (Replication of DNA). 1963-68 Associate Professor of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine (Molecular Neurobiology). Head of Neurobiology Group, Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Laboratories for Molecular Medicine. 1964 D.Sc. University of London (awarded for distinguished work in the field of Biochemistry). 1968 Professor of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine. 1968-present Professor of Genetics and Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine. p-209 alee 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74, 75. 76. 77. 78, 79. 80. Varon, S., Nomura, J. and E. M. Shooter, 1968. Reversible dissociation of the mouse nerve growth factor protein into different subunits. Biochemistry 7, 1296-1303. Shooter, E. M., Smith, A. P., and S. Varon, 1968. Heterogeneity of the nerve growth factor protein and its subunits. Fed. Proc. 27, 464. Herschkowitz, N., McKhann, G. M., Saxena, S. and E. M. Shooter, 1968. Characterization of sulfatide-containing lipoproteins in rat brain. J. Neurochem. 15, 1181-1183. Smith, A. P., Varon, S. and E. M. Shooter, 1968. Multiple forms of the nerve growth factor protein and its subunits. Biochemistry 7, 3259-3268. Greene, L. A., Shooter, E. M. and S. Varon, 1968. Enzymatic activities of mouse nerve growth factor and its subunits. P.N.A.S. 60, 1383-1388. McKhann, G. M. and E. M. Shooter, 1969. Genetics of Seizure Susceptibility in Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies, H. H. Jasper, A. A. Ward, Jr., and , A. Pope, Ed., Boston, Little, Brown and Company, Chapter 24. Herschkowitz, N., McKhann, G. M., Saxena, S., Shooter, E. M. and R. Herndon 1969. Synthesis of sulfatide-containing lipoproteins in rat brain. J. Neurochem. 16, 1049-1057. Goodall, P. T. and E. M. Shooter, 1969. Changes in Heme Environment due to subunit interaction in hemoglobin. J. Mol. Biol. 39, 675-678. - Smith, A. P., Varon, S. and E. M. Shooter, 1969. Equilibria of the Nerve Growth Factor proteins and their subunits. Fed. Proc. 28, 897. Greene, L. A., Shooter, E. M. and Silvio Varon, 1969. Subunit interaction and enzymatic activity of mouse 7S Nerve Growth Factor. Biochemistry 8, 3735-3741. Shooter, E. M., Smith, A. P., Greene, L. A. and S. Varon, 1969. Aspects of the dissociation equilibria between 7S NGF and its subunits. Abstracts of Second International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, p. 366. Waehneldt, T. V., Grossfeld, R. M. and E. M. Shooter, 1969. The solubili- zation and electrophoretic analysis of membrane proteins from mouse brain. Abstracts of Second International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, p. 411. P-220 &l. 82. 83. 84. $5. a6, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, Smith, A. P., Greene, L. A., Fisk, H. R,., Varon, S. and E, M. Shooter, 1969, Subunit equilibria of the 7S Nerve Growth Factor protein, Bio- chemistry 8, 4918-4926. Shooter, E. M. and S. Varon, 1970, Macromolecular aspects ef the Nerve Growth Factor proteins in Pratein Metabolism of the Nervous System, A. Lajtha, Ed., New York, N.Y¥., Plenum Presa, 419-438," Varon, $, and E, M, Shoater, 1970, The Nerve Growth Factar proteina of the mouse submaxillary gland in Biechemistry of Brain and Behavior, R, E, Bowman and S. FP, Datta, Edu, New York, Nw¥e, Plenum Presa, 41~64, Shooter, E, M,, 1970, Some aspects of gene expression in the nervous system in The Neuresciences; Second Study Program, F, 0. Schmitt, Ed,, New York, N.¥., The Rockefeller University Preas, 912-827. f . Shooter, E. M, and §. Varon, 1971, Biological activities of the subunits of the 7S Nerve Growth Factor pretein in Cellular Aspects of Neural Growth and Differentiation, D, C, Pease, Ed,, VELA Forum in the Medical Sclences, No, 14, 269-272, Shooter, E, M. and Eliaaheth R, Einstein, 1971, Proteins ef the Nervous System in Annual Review of Biochemiatry: Vol, 40, Be B, Snell, Ed., Annual Reviews, Inc., Palo Alta, Calif. 635-652, Perez-Polo, J. R,, Bamburg, J, R, and E. M, Shooter, 1971, 75 Nerve Growth Factor; a subunit containing protein, Fed. Prec. 30, 1194. Greene, Lloyd A., Varon, &, Pilteh, A, and BE. M, @hoater, 1971, Sub- atructure of the @ subunit ef the mouse 78 Nerve Growth Factor, Nevro- biology de 37-48 * Morris, 8. J., Louis, €, F, and BE, M, Sheeter, 1971, Separation of myelin protein on two different polyacrylamide gel systems. Neuro- biology 1, 64-67, Perez-Polo, J. R, and E. M, Sheoter, 1971. Comparison ef the properties of native and modified @ subunits of 78 NGF, Abstracts af the Third International Meeting of the International Society for Nevrechemistry, Budapest, Hungary, p, 212, Shooter, E. M., Bamburg, J. R., Perea-Pola, J. Re, Piltch, A. and DB. Straus, 1971, Structural studies an the 78 Nerve Growth Factor protein, Abstracts of Tiird International Meeting af the International Society for Neurochemistry, Budapest, Hungary, Pp. 428, O-arl SECTION I — PPIVILEGED COMMUNICATION . r . BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCR (Give the following information for alt protessionz! personnel listed on pz ze 3, beginning with the Principal Investigztor. Use continuation paces and foilove the same general format for cach person.) NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE {f!0,, Day, Vo) Philip Sun e ‘As ilip shin Associate Professor June 16, 1530 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-US. citizen, SEX . ; jadicate kind of visa and expiration date} Denver, Colorado American 5 tat Jr gby Mate emule EDUCATION (Seoin with bsecelaureste training and include postdoctoral) INSTITUTION AND LOCATIO! YEAR SCIENTIFIC venp bose DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. B.A. , 1952 Pre-Medicine University of Colorado, Denver, Colo. ; M.D. °1955 Medicine " HONORS Alpha Omega Alpha Council Western Society for Pediatrics Ross Award for Pediatric Research 1970 Research, 1972 MAJOR RESEARCH IITEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Developmental Gastroenterology and Nutriticn Investigator RESEARCH SUPPORT (Sez instructions) RR 81 - Clinical Research Center for Premature Infants, 10/159 - 9/30/74. Amt. Current Year: $385,882. Total Amount: — $2,380,594 (Norman Kretchser - Principal Investigator) ; RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIGNAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevant 19 area af projest: Lis: Or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pages tor cach indiwidual.) Associate Professor of Pediatrics 1968~-present Stanford Univ. School of Medicine Director, Center for Premature Infants 1968- present Stanford Univ. School of Macicirs Instructor through Assist. Professor 1963- 1968 Stanford Univ. School of Medicirs Fellow in Pediatrics : “~~"1961-1963 Stanford Univ. School of Medicines Resident in Pediatrics 1959-1961 Stanford Univ. School of Medicine Publications (Selected) Sunshine, P. and Kretchmer, N.: Studies of small intestine during development. II. Infantile diarrhea associated with intolerance to disaccharides. Pediatrics 2:1: 38, 1964. Sunshine, P. and Kretchmer, N.: Absence of intestinal disaccharidases in two specics of sea lions. Science 144:850, 1964. Herbst, J.J., Hurwitz, R., Sunshine, P. and Kretchmer, N.: Effect of colchicina on intestinal disaccharidases: Corr with biochemical aspects of celluler renewal, J. Clin. Invest. 49:530, 1970 Sunshine, P., Herbst, J.J., Koldovs ky, O. and Kretchner, N.: Adaptation of theo gastrointesiinal tract to extrautcerine life. Amn. N.¥. Acad. Sci. 176:16-2°, 1971. . ‘ Sunshine, P., et al.: Hyperammonemia due to a defect in hepatic ornithine trapscart © Pediatrics 50:100, 1972. RNS 35S Te Pussy . BIOGRATHIT AL SKETCUES Pret. 3. Lete*pary “8 (Give ths loliowiod infarction tor all professionst Personne | fisted on page 3, begianing with the PrincincDdnarsticatcss Genet rz Use continuation pages and follow the «xme general fermet for each persemn.) . Urs NAME TITLE BIRTHDATE (Mo., Day, 0.) Tsuboi, Kenneth K. Sentor Scientist February 7, 1622 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (if non-U.S, citizen, SEX . indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Kayama, Japan U.S.A. BO) Maile (—) Female EDUCATION (Bedin with baccalaureate trainina and inelute posidostoral) . ' 7 YEAR SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minnesota B.S. 1944 Chen. University of Minnesota, Minn., Minn. M.S. 1946 Biochen. University of Minnesota, Minn., Minn. - | Ph.D. 1948 Biochen. HONORS Established Investigator, American Heart Association, 1960 - 1964. MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST . ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT Biochenistry, Enzymology, Nucleotides, Muscle Proteins Investigator RESEARCH SUPPORT (Soo instructions) _ Contract Avard: Division of Biologic Standards, N.I.H., Biochemical Parameters of Primate Cell Cultures, June 1, 1972 to May 31, 1974. Current year $23,5°8, Total $47,196. . -. AM 0397€ Metabolism of Numan Erythrocyte, June 1, 1967 -- May 31, 1972. Current $12,500. Total $102,880. RESEARCH AND/OR PROFESSIONAL EXFORIENCE (Startins with present position, fist training and experience relevent ts atea of project. Listalloer most repescatetive publicaticns. (Go not exceed 4G peges for each indivicuah) 1966 to present - Senior Scientist, biochemistry in Pediatrics 1960 - 1966 ~- Associate Professor, Eiochemistry in Pediatrics, Stanford Medical Schoo} 1957 - 1960 ~ Assistant Professor, Biochemistry in Pediatrics, Cornell Medica i 1951 - 1957 ~ Kesearch Associate, biochemistry, Columbia University Medical $ 1948 - 1951 ~ Research Associate, Oncology, University of Kansas Medical Sch Publications (Five relevant publications are listed from a total of 48). Tsuboi, K.K., Greenberg, R.E., and Kretchmer, N.: Carbohydrate Metabolism, in 34. Basis of Pediatric Practice, R.E. Cooke, ed., McGraw-Hill (1968). {cy fia ia ae) 3. QO ey ¢ Tsuboi, K.K., Fukunaga, K., and Petricciani, J.C.: Purification and Specific Kinecic Properties of Erythrocyte Uridine Diphosphate Glucose Pyrophosphorylase. J.ziol. Chan. 244, 1008 (1969). Tsuboi, K.K., Fukunaga, K.: Relationship of solute permeability to erythrocyte g]vcolysis. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 196, 215 (1970). Uchino, J. and Tsuboi, K.K.: Actin Accumulation in Developing Rat Muscle. Amer. J. Physiology, 219, 154 (1970). Tsuboi, K.K., Fukunasa, K., and Chérvenka, ¢.H.: Phosphoglucose Isomerase from Huns Erythrocyte Preparation and Properties. J. Biol. Chem., 246, 7586 (1971). AES.368 . — Rev, 2-69 P- 223